
Breega’s Advice and Recommendations

# Breega’s Advice and Recommendations during the Crisis
In this webinar, Adrien Chaltiel & Maximilien Bacot, Founding & Managing Partner at Breega, discuss the measures put in place by the investment fund to minimize the impact of the crisis on your business.

## About Breega
Breega is a pan-European investment fund with a focus on digital startups. They invest in various sectors, including fintech, healthcare, and B2B services, with investments ranging from €1m to €10m. As a young fund established in 2015, Breega has already invested €250m across 3 funds and has offices in London and France.

### The Entrepreneurial Spirit
What sets Breega apart is its “entrepreneurial DNA” – all three co-founders are entrepreneurs themselves, and the investment team comprises entrepreneurs at heart. This means that when you talk to Breega, you’re talking to people who understand what it takes to grow a successful startup.

### Support beyond funding
Breega believes in providing more than just capital to their portfolio companies. They have a dedicated operational team of 5 people who work closely with their startups to help with recruitment, business development, branding, and more. Their goal is to help portfolio companies accelerate their growth and make the best use of their investment.

## How Breega is Navigating the Crisis
With the current crisis affecting businesses across sectors, it is crucial to have a partner who can provide support during times of uncertainty. Breega’s portfolio has been impacted in varying degrees, with some startups seeing a drop in topline by up to 30%. However, Breega remains optimistic about the future and believes that this crisis could be an opportunity to come out stronger.

To learn more about Breega’s advice and recommendations during the crisis, watch the full webinar here: [](

Keywords: Eldorado, Financement, Investissement, Startups, Fonds d’investissement, VC, BA, Innovation

Source: [](

Mercredi 29 avril 11h, Adrien Chaltiel & Maximilien Bacot, Founding & Managing Partner chez Breega, “Les conseils et recommandations de Breega pendant la période de crise”

Maximilien est Founding & Managing Partner au sein du fonds d’investissement Breega. Il reviendra pour nous sur les dispositifs mis en place par le fonds d’investissements pour limiter l’impact de la crise sur votre activité.

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