
Unlocking the Potential: Harnessing the U.K.’s Engineering Expertise for Global Development

**The Power of Engineering: Bringing Science to Life**

From Powered Flight to Medical Breakthroughs: Engineering’s Impact on Society

Engineering: Turning Scientific Discovery into Practical Solutions

The Overlooked Importance of Engineering in Modern Society

Engineering: The Gateway to Civilization

The Role of Engineering in Policy, Commerce, and Humanity

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering: Celebrating Success and Inspiring the Next Generation

The Queen Elizabeth Prize: Recognizing Global Engineering Excellence

Engineering’s Transformation of Everyday Life

Promoting Diversity in Engineering: Overcoming Inequalities

The Science Museum’s “Engineers” Gallery: Celebrating the Power of Engineering

The Essential Role of Engineering in Driving Global Development

Respecting and Nurturing the Engineering Discipline for a Better Future

The Power of Engineering: Bringing Science to Life

From mankind’s first powered flight 120 years ago, to the harnessing of renewable energy through solar panels, and breakthroughs in controlled drug delivery that promise major advances in medical care–history shows us that humanity relies on engineers to develop creative solutions to the world’s problems, time and time again.

Engineering: Turning Scientific Discovery into Practical Solutions

Engineering is the process through which the fruits of great scientific discovery are brought into the real world, delivering practical solutions to actual problems, opening up new industries, and creating growth in the economy.

The Overlooked Importance of Engineering in Modern Society

All too often, people in the U.K. overlook the power of engineering. As society becomes increasingly fascinated by impressive technological innovations such as artificial intelligence, the breadth and importance of the engineering profession are forgotten. However, engineering is the gateway to civilization–not because it substitutes human reasoning, but because it involves humans in getting things done. It is the practical expression of everyday life. So when people speak to me about the important role played by science and technology, I ask them, “What about engineering?” Engineering has become the silent noun–and we should not allow that to be the case.

The Role of Engineering in Policy, Commerce, and Humanity

Politicians often believe that policy is the end of the matter when it comes to tackling societal challenges. However, understanding the engineering approach, which integrates science, policy, commerce, and humanity, is what truly makes a real difference.

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering: Celebrating Success and Inspiring the Next Generation

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, launched in 2012, aims to showcase the power of engineering in four ways: celebrating collective successes, showcasing engineering excellence from around the globe, inspiring the next generation of engineers, and embedding the message of engineering’s importance.

The Queen Elizabeth Prize: Recognizing Global Engineering Excellence

The Queen Elizabeth Prize, often called “the Nobel Prize for Engineering,” attracts laureates from all over the world. Previous recipients have been responsible for groundbreaking innovations such as the internet, controlled release large molecule drug delivery, digital imaging sensors, the Global Positioning System, LED lighting, the world’s strongest permanent magnet, and PERC solar photovoltaic technology. These innovations have transformed our lives and will continue to shape the world for decades to come.

Engineering’s Transformation of Everyday Life

Engineering is not limited to lofty concepts and inventions. It impacts everyday life in numerous ways. For example, it plays a crucial role in the development of renewable energy sources, improves transportation systems, and enhances healthcare through advancements in drug delivery. It is through engineering that scientific discoveries are translated into practical applications that benefit society as a whole.

Promoting Diversity in Engineering: Overcoming Inequalities

To truly unlock the potential of engineering, we must strive for a diverse workforce that designs products, services, and systems that reflect the diversity of the societies they serve. Currently, statistics show that only 16.5% of U.K. professional engineers are women. Additionally, ethnic minorities and LGBT+ individuals are significantly underrepresented in engineering. Embracing diversity in engineering is not just a matter of fairness; it is crucial for driving progress and innovation.

The Science Museum’s “Engineers” Gallery: Celebrating the Power of Engineering

To further amplify the message of engineering’s importance, the Science Museum, in partnership with the Queen Elizabeth Prize, has opened the Engineers gallery in London. This permanent gallery showcases how engineers change the world and turn ideas into reality. With profiles and exhibits from over 60 engineers, including Queen Elizabeth Prize laureates, the gallery celebrates scientific excellence and serves as an inspiration for visitors to witness the transformative power of engineering.

The Essential Role of Engineering in Driving Global Development

For the U.K. to continue driving global development, it is vital to recognize and respect the essential role that engineering plays in turning scientific and technological ideas into reality. To tackle future challenges, including climate change, educating and inspiring future generations to pursue careers in engineering is crucial.

Respecting and Nurturing the Engineering Discipline for a Better Future

Engineering is not just a technical field; it is a discipline that encompasses science, creativity, policy, and humanity. By nurturing and respecting the engineering discipline, we can create a better future where innovation thrives, societies prosper, and challenges are overcome.

Lord Browne of Madingley is the Chairman of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering Foundation.

The opinions expressed in commentary pieces are solely the views of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of Fortune.

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Overall, not enough progress has been made in increasing diversity within the engineering profession, and it is essential to continue efforts to overcome inequalities. By celebrating engineering excellence, inspiring the next generation, and showcasing the transformative power of engineering, we can ensure that the importance of this field is recognized and respected. The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering and the opening of the Engineers gallery serve as reminders of the crucial role that engineering plays in shaping our world and driving global development. It is through engineering that we can turn scientific discovery into tangible solutions and create a better future for all.

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