
Cyborgs Employing Generative AI in Your Workplace Require Careful AI Governance, Emphasizes AI Ethics and AI Law

**The Truth About “Secret Cyborgs” in the Workplace**

**Misleading Terminology: No Cyborgs in the Office**

Blaring headlines this past week have claimed that secret cyborgs are working alongside us in the office, using generative AI in innovative ways. This may have you looking at your coworkers with suspicion, wondering who among them is a regular human and who is a covert cyborg. However, this sensational phrasing is misleading and incorrect. The truth is, there are no cyborgs in your office. The hype surrounding the alleged secret cyborgs is a result of AI mania and exaggerated anthropomorphization of AI technologies.

**Using Generative AI in the Office**

While there may not be cyborgs in the office, there are workers who choose to use generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, GPT-4, or Claude to aid in their work. However, they might keep their use of generative AI a secret from their colleagues and superiors. These employees are utilizing generative AI discreetly.

**The Problem with Labeling Workers as Cyborgs**

The term “cyborg” typically refers to a person with mechanical elements integrated into their bodies to enhance their physical abilities. None of the employees using generative AI have AI apps embedded in their bodies. Furthermore, labeling workers as cyborgs for using generative AI would render the term meaningless since it could be applied to almost anyone. Merely using a smartphone or utilizing word processing software does not make someone a cyborg.

**Uncovering the Practical Use of Generative AI in the Workplace**

Instead of focusing on misleading headlines, let’s explore the practical use of generative AI in the workplace. Many employees view generative AI as a valuable tool that can enhance their work, benefiting their employers. However, they feel compelled to keep their use of generative AI hidden due to various reasons.

**The Importance of AI Governance Principles**

When organizations overlook the practical benefits of generative AI and fail to establish proper AI governance, their employees may resort to covert usage. Employees who use generative AI secretly, even with good intentions, can unintentionally expose their organizations to reputational damage and potential legal issues. Without proper guidance and clear directives, employees may misuse generative AI, leading to unwanted consequences for both the individuals and the companies they work for.

**Differentiating Covert AI Usage**

While some employees may exploit generative AI to complete their work quicker and then engage in non-work activities, it is important to note that this is not the typical scenario. Most underground usage of generative AI is carried out by genuine workers who genuinely want to perform their jobs efficiently. These employees may find themselves in a situation where they are lured into covert usage due to inadequate AI governance principles set by their organizations.

**Foundations of Generative AI**

Generative AI is a cutting-edge form of AI that has recently gained significant attention. It boasts the ability to engage in interactive online dialogues and produce essays that resemble human compositions. Generative AI harnesses complex mathematical and computational pattern-matching techniques, which enable it to mimic human-like text compositions based on data training from the internet.

**Understanding the Limitations of Generative AI**

While generative AI can produce impressive outputs, it is crucial to be aware of its limitations and potential drawbacks. Generative AI outputs may contain errors, biases, falsehoods, glitches, and even create seemingly believable but entirely fictitious facts. Users can be easily deceived by the apparent competence and confidence displayed in the AI-generated content. It is essential to remain vigilant and verify any output generated by generative AI to ensure accuracy.

**The Intersection of AI Ethics and AI Law**

The emergence of generative AI brings forth numerous considerations regarding AI ethics and AI law. Ethical principles are being introduced to guide the development and deployment of AI applications, with a focus on ensuring AI is used for societal good. Additionally, there are proposed laws aimed at preventing AI from infringing on human rights and causing harm.

By understanding the truth behind the exaggerated claims of secret cyborgs and focusing on the responsible use of generative AI, organizations can harness its potential while avoiding potential pitfalls. Proper AI governance and a clear understanding of the limitations and ethical considerations surrounding generative AI are crucial for the successful integration of this technology in the workplace.

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