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Challenges to Scientific Analysis of UAPs

As anticipation builds for the release of the Pentagon report on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), there are major obstacles facing a scientific analysis of these phenomena. Here are five significant challenges:

Challenge No. 1: Non-Repeatability of UAP Events
Perhaps the biggest challenge facing scientific analysis of UAPs is that all incidents are non-repeatable. This means that scientists cannot go back and perform the exact observation again. This lack of repeatability poses a significant challenge for interpreting data. The limited, anecdotal and non-repeatable nature of data means that most UAPs remain unexplained, as noted in the published government report.

Challenge No. 2: Non-Systematic Recording and Reporting of Incidents
Another challenge facing scientific analysis of UAP is the lack of systematic recording and reporting of incidents. Different camera and radar systems, data processing, observers, and environmental circumstances all mean that each incident is essentially an uncontrolled experiment. As a result, it is difficult to ascertain the quality and sensitivity of data while filling obvious gaps. The published government report emphasizes the need for standardized reporting and increased collection and analysis, suggesting that this could come from a more streamlined process for screening.

Challenge No. 3: Cherry-Picking of Data
There is no easy way to account for data cherry-picking; that is, how often pilots or other observers see something unexpected but fail to report it after figuring out what they’re witnessing. Out of the 144 reports studied in the government report, only 18 incidents demonstrated advanced technology, such as the appearance of unusual aeronautical behavior in movement. It remains a total unknown how many mundane instances go unreported due to quick identification or pilot discretion.

Challenge No. 4: Single Underlying Phenomenon versus Many
If incidents or observations are genuinely associated with something physical, it’s uncertain whether researchers are looking at a single underlying phenomenon or many. The government report outlines multiple possibilities offered: airborne clutter, birds, balloons, recreational unmanned aerial vehicles, debris, and natural atmospheric phenomena. The report underscores the need to improve data analysis, with ongoing efforts to collect military aircraft sensor data by applying machine learning to identify “clusters” and patterns that can help identify any underlying phenomenon.

Challenge No. 5: Association with Alien Technology
The popular association between UAPs and alien technology creates a severe analysis bias. The hypotheses that require robust evidence hang heavily over any analysis or discussion, regardless of what some people say. The report notes that “sociocultural stigmas” around recording surprising observations mentioned in the report are exacerbated by the elements of the UFO community that express ideas or beliefs that are fantastical in nature. Consequently, observers are reticent to mention things that they are very surprised by.

Despite limitations and bias, the Pentagon report suggests ways to improve data collection and analysis of UAPs. Investigating UAP further may offer potential risk mitigation, primarily if UAPs pose physical hazards or security challenges. As we navigate through a rapidly changing world, a more systematic collection of data can have many additional benefits, regardless of what is actually taking place in our skies. Scientists must follow a stepwise approach, ruling out all available explanations before considering potential extraterrestrial possibilities.

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Principal Associate at Breega Capital, Isabelle Gallo