
Reenergizing Women in the Industry: Conference Keynote Address by Nadine Kanu

**Women Energize: Empowering Women in the Energy Sector**

Welcome to the Women Energize Women Conference, a global event bringing together female energy experts to discuss and innovate on energy and gender issues. In this industrial keynote speech, Nadine Kanu, Vice President of the Board at the German Wind Association (BWE) and Head of Communication at ENERTRAG, shares her insights and experiences as a leading woman in the industry.

As part of the communication initiative by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the conference aims to empower women in the energy sector worldwide. Organized by the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) and supported by the German Solar Association (BSW-Solar) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the initiative offers interactive events, inspiring role models, and valuable information on gender equality in the renewable energy field.

During her speech, Kanu reflects on her 20 years in the industry and the changes she has witnessed. From a time when few women were represented in the field, she acknowledges the importance of diversity and the excitement of meeting fellow female energy professionals. She also highlights how the energy landscape is evolving, with renewable energy becoming more decentralized and accessible to countries worldwide. Kanu specifically discusses the potential of green hydrogen as a game-changer in this transition, enabling renewable energy distribution and utilization across various sectors.

Kanu emphasizes the need for significant investments in green hydrogen production and notes the coordination mechanisms being developed, such as the H2 Global mechanism, to mitigate risks and ensure smooth operations. She also acknowledges the challenges of scaling up production, facilitating transportation, and developing infrastructure to meet the demands of consumers. Through projects like hyphen in Namibia, she emphasizes the opportunity to create new blueprints for cooperation, benefiting governments, local communities, and industries.

Join the Women Energize movement by following their social media channels for more information and updates on empowering women in the energy sector:

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Keywords/Tags: #womenenergize, #energy, #transition, #renewables, #energiewende, #womeninenergy, #womeninrenewables, #womenempowerment, #femalleaders, #smarterE, #munich, #finance, #investment

*Source: [Original Video Transcript](link-to-the-original-video-transcript)*

#womenenergize Industrial Keynote Speech by Nadine Kanu, Vice President of the Board, German Wind Association (BWE) & Head of Communication, ENERTRAG

@BWEeV @EnertragVideo

The 2nd Women Energize Women Conference invited energy experts from across the globe to travel to Munich and experience discussion rounds, workshops and other innovative formats on energy and gender topics with exclusively female speakers.

Women Energize Women #womenenergize Conference is part of the communication initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) and the German Solar Association (BSW-Solar) within the scope of BMWK’s global project Bilateral Climate and Energy Partnerships and Dialogues. The communication innitiative consisting of the conference and the social media campaign aims to empower, motivate, inform, inspire and connect women working in the energy sector across the world by offering interactive events, inspiring role models, important information and general knowledge on the state of gender equality in the renewable energy sector.

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