
Pedro Ribeiro Santos from Armilar Venture Partners: EUVC #73

**Title: Venture Capital Insights with Pedro Ribeiro Santos: A Portuguese VC Perspective**

Welcome to the European VC YouTube channel, your go-to source for valuable insights into the European venture capital industry. In this episode, we are delighted to have Pedro Ribeiro Santos, Partner at Armilar Venture Partners, a renowned Portuguese VC firm with over 20 years of experience and a strong track record. With an international footprint and €260 million under management, Armilar is known for its focus on sustainability investments, as well as enterprise software, SaaS, and IoT technologies.

Pedro, a former physicist with a BSc in Physics Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico and experience as a researcher at the University of Oxford, brings a unique perspective to the world of venture capital. In this interview, Pedro shares his insights on various topics, including the story of Armilar, the challenges of spinning out of a corporate/captive VC, and the importance of building a strong syndicate for big secondary transactions.

Join us as we delve into Armilar’s journey from its humble beginnings in 2000 when Portugal was relatively unknown to international VCs, to its present-day prominence. From Pedro’s vast experience and knowledge, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the venture capital landscape and valuable strategies for success in the industry.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the leading venture capital experts in Portugal. Subscribe to our channel for more engaging content on startup investing, tech trends, and the European VC industry.

**Keywords/Tags**: euvc, investing, podcast, spreaker, startup, tech, theeuropeanvc, vc, venturecapital

– [Spreaker](
– [Armilar Venture Partners](

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Today we’re happy to welcome Pedro Ribeiro Santos, Partner at Armilar Venture Partners, a Portuguese VC firm with a history of more than 20 years, a high-performance track record and an international footprint with 260 million under management. Pedro leads Armilar’s sustainability investments and has a strong focus on enterprise software, SaaS and IoT technologies. Pedro has a BSc in Physics Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico and started his career as a Researcher in Physics for the University of Oxford (UK), and holds an MBA and an MSc in Economics from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

In this episode you’ll learn:
– All about the MBO story of Armilar and how you can think of spinning out of a corporate/captive VC
– How to think about putting together a syndicate for a big secondary transaction and balancing the interests on both sides of the deal
– The journey of Armilar from founding in early 2000 when Portugal could hardly be placed on a map by international VCs to today where Portugal seems to be on the lips of almost everyone.

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