
EUVC #21: Introducing Vinoth Jayakumar from Draper Esprit

**Title: Vinoth Jayakumar: Partner at Draper Esprit | The Future of European VC | The European VC Podcast**

**Description:** In this episode of The European VC Podcast, we sit down with Vinoth Jayakumar, a Partner at Draper Esprit – one of Europe’s leading publicly listed VC firms. Founded in 2006, Draper Esprit manages over a billion euros and has made more than 125 investments, generating over 5 billion in returns for their investors.

Vinoth’s expertise lies in the future of finance, insurance, fintech, proptech, and cybersecurity. He is particularly interested in companies that target the entire stack of financial products and services. In this episode, we delve into the anatomy of Draper Esprit, their decision to IPO their fund, and the benefits it brings. We also discuss Draper Esprit’s investment strategy, including a focus on FoF and secondaries.

Vinoth shares his insights on the recent changes in the European VC market and emphasizes the importance of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors in portfolio companies. Tune in to learn more about Draper Esprit’s unique approach and Vinoth’s perspective on the future of European VC.

For more episodes and information, visit our [website]( and check out the European VC podcast on various [podcast platforms]( To learn more about Draper Esprit, visit their [official website](

## Keywords/Tags:
euvc, growth, investing, podcast, seed, spreaker, startup, tech, theeuropeanvc, vc, venturecapital

Source: [The European VC Podcast](

*Note: The above description has been rewritten and optimized for SEO purposes.*

Vinoth Jayakumar is a Partner at Draper Esprit – one of Europe’s very few publicly listed VC firms. They were first founded in 2006 and now manage more than a billion euros, they’ve made more than 125 investments and have created more than 5 billion in returns for their investors. At Draper Esprit, Vinoth focuses on the future of finance, Insurance, fintech, proptech and cybersecurity. He’s interested in all of it, but what gets him truly excited is companies that aren’t afraid of targeting the whole stack of financial products and services. No easy pickings for Vinoth.

In this episode you’ll learn:

– The anatomy of Draper Esprit, why they IPO’d their fund and the benefits it brings

– Why Draper Esprit’s investment strategy includes a FoF & secondaries focus

– Vinoth’s take on the recent changes in the European VC market

– Why ESG is more than a box ticking exercise to Vinoth and how to work with portfolio companies on it.

Drop a comment and let us know if you have suggestions for future episodes!

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