
Landmark $10 Billion Agreement Sealed between United and Pilots Union

**United Airlines Reaches Contract Agreement with Pilots’ Union**

United Airlines and the union representing its pilots have announced that they have reached a contract agreement that will result in a significant increase in pilot pay over the next four years. The agreement, valued at approximately $10 billion, follows years of difficult negotiations and includes improvements in pay, retirement benefits, and job security. This development reflects the growing leverage of labor unions, particularly those representing pilots, as airlines experience a strong recovery in revenue due to increased travel demand.

**Closing the Pay Gap with Delta**

The Air Line Pilots Association, which represents United Airlines’ pilots, has stated that the new contract would bring United pilots on par with their counterparts at Delta Air Lines. Delta pilots had previously approved a pay-raising deal earlier this year. The agreement between United Airlines and its pilots’ union is subject to a ratification vote.

**Significant Pay Increases and Improved Benefits**

The contract agreement between United Airlines and the pilots’ union includes substantial pay raises for pilots, along with improved retirement benefits and job security. Upon approval, pilots will receive immediate wage-rate increases ranging from 13.8% to 18.7%, depending on the type of aircraft they fly. These initial raises will be followed by four smaller annual wage increases. Over the course of the contract, pilot pay will rise by approximately 34.5% to 40.2%.

Garth Thompson, the chair of the United pilots’ union, described the agreement as “historic” and credited the determination of the 16,000 pilots for making it possible. United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby expressed satisfaction with the agreement, stating that the company is committed to providing its pilots with an industry-leading contract.

**Upcoming Votes and Ongoing Negotiations**

While United Airlines has reached a contract agreement with its pilots’ union, American Airlines pilots are scheduled to begin voting on a proposed contract on July 24. The offer put forth by American Airlines includes average cumulative raises of 41.5% over four years. Negotiations are still ongoing between Southwest Airlines pilots and the airline management. It is important to note that American and Southwest have independent unions, whereas pilots at Delta and United are represented by the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA).

**Strong Bargaining Position of Unions**

The labor unions representing airline pilots believe that they are currently in a strong bargaining position due to the financial assistance provided by the federal government to the airline industry during the pandemic. Airlines received $54 billion in aid to help them navigate through the crisis. With travel demand picking up and the number of people flying in the U.S. returning to pre-pandemic levels, airlines are experiencing a surge in revenue. This favorable situation has resulted in increased leverage for the labor unions during negotiations.

**Financial Performance of Airlines**

Recent financial reports indicate positive performance for major airlines. Delta Air Lines, for example, reported a record quarterly profit of over $1.8 billion and record revenue during the April-through-June period, which includes the beginning of the summer travel season. United Airlines is set to release its quarterly results soon, and analysts predict that the company will post a profit of over $1.3 billion, according to a survey by FactSet.

In conclusion, United Airlines and its pilots’ union have reached a significant contract agreement that will lead to substantial pay raises for pilots. The agreement, valued at about $10 billion, demonstrates the increasing bargaining power of labor unions in the airline industry. The deal aligns pilot pay at United Airlines with that of Delta Air Lines, and it includes improvements in retirement benefits and job security. With American Airlines pilots set to vote on a proposed contract, and negotiations continuing at Southwest Airlines, it is clear that pilots’ unions are leveraging their position to negotiate better conditions for their members. The financial recovery of the airline industry further strengthens the bargaining position of the unions, as airlines report record profits and revenue.

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