
Kissinger warns that Putin’s survival could be in jeopardy should Ukraine emerge victorious.

**Title: Impact of Ukraine Conflict on Putin’s Hold on Power, According to Henry Kissinger**

**Subheading 1: Kissinger Believes Russia’s Relations with Europe Should be Based on Agreement**
Former US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, has stated that if the war in Ukraine forces Russia to abandon military aggression and accept a peace deal with Europe, President Vladimir Putin may struggle to hold on to power. Kissinger emphasizes the importance of Russia recognizing that its relations with Europe should be based on agreement and a kind of consensus. He believes that if the war ends properly, there is a possibility for achieving this goal.

**Subheading 2: Uncertainty of Putin’s Survival in Power**
When questioned about Putin’s survival in power if the war were to end with an agreement and consensus, Kissinger responds that it is improbable. This suggests that the current military aggression of Russia is crucial for Putin’s ability to maintain his position of authority. However, if the war were to be resolved through a peaceful solution, it could significantly impact Putin’s future as a leader.

**Subheading 3: Ukraine’s Path to Democracy**
Kissinger emphasizes the importance of Ukraine emerging from the war as a strong democracy. He advocates for avoiding scenarios that could lead to the dissolution of Russia or reduce it to a state of resentful impotence, which could ultimately create new tensions. Kissinger describes Putin as a leader with ambivalences and unfulfillable aspirations, comparing him to a character from Dostoevsky’s novels. He acknowledges Putin’s ability to wield power excessively, especially in relation to Ukraine.

**Subheading 4: Kissinger’s Reflections on Putin and Russia**
The interview with Kissinger took place in New York on June 7 as a retrospective on his life and career following his 100th birthday. Kissinger has had a longstanding relationship with Putin, with frequent visits to Russia throughout Putin’s rule. Putin himself has referred to their relationship, which dates back to the mid-1990s when Putin was deputy mayor of St. Petersburg. Kissinger notes that Putin’s perspective is influenced by both traditional Russian outlooks and his experience growing up in Leningrad, where he witnessed the harsh realities of World War II.

**Subheading 5: Russia’s Reaction to European Military Power**
Kissinger explains that Putin’s upbringing in Leningrad led him to resist the idea of European military power being within easy reach of major Russian cities. He interprets Putin’s reactions to expansion as sometimes being at the edge of irrationality. This highlights the deep-seated concerns and historical factors that shape Russia’s foreign policy decisions.

**Subheading 6: Importance of Diplomatic Resolution**
While acknowledging the need for resistance against Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, Kissinger emphasizes the importance of considering how the conflict can be resolved diplomatically. He warns of the risk of military relations between global powers dominating geopolitical thinking and potentially turning the war into a global conflict by drawing in countries like China.

**Subheading 7: Russia’s Role in Europe**
According to Kissinger, stability in Europe and the world can only be achieved when Russia accepts the fact that it cannot conquer Europe. Instead, it should strive for consensus and become an integral part of Europe, just like other states. He believes that Russia’s current state of being crushed gives rise to its ambitions in other regions and makes it vulnerable to competition among European states.

In conclusion, Kissinger’s insights suggest that if the war in Ukraine ends with a peace deal and Russia has to abandon military aggression, President Putin’s hold on power may be weakened. He emphasizes the need for Russia to establish relations with Europe based on agreement and consensus. Additionally, Kissinger advocates for Ukraine’s emergence as a strong democracy to prevent the dissolution of Russia or its reduction to resentful impotence. It is crucial for Russia to recognize its place in international politics and strive for stability by avoiding further conflicts.

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