
Jérémie Bordier’s Testimonial About Otium Capital: A Review by Nicholson

**[Title]** Témoignage de Jérémie Bordier, Venture Partner chez Otium Capital, sur l’importance du recrutement avec Nicholson Search & Selection

**[Keywords/Tags]** #recrutement #temoignage #vc #otium #nicholson

Are you struggling with recruitment for your startup? In this video, Jérémie Bordier, Venture Partner at Otium Capital and one of the most prominent business angels in France, shares his experience with Nicholson Search & Selection.

As an investor in startups, Jérémie knows that hiring the right talent is key to accelerating growth. And when it comes to recruitment, he recommends Nicholson as the go-to partner for his portfolio companies.

With nearly 20 years of experience in the industry, Nicholson’s team of consultants has a deep understanding of the French and European markets. They consistently send relevant and high-quality profiles, making them the only recruitment agency Jérémie trusts.

But it’s not just the quality of their candidate recommendations that sets Nicholson apart. Jérémie also praises their responsive communication and commitment to understanding clients’ needs, citing their assistance in recruiting 30% of the R&D team during his time at exalead.

If you’re looking for a recruitment partner that truly listens to your needs and sends only the best talent your way, give Nicholson a try. Trust Jérémie, and join the growing list of satisfied companies who have found recruitment success with Nicholson Search & Selection.

– [Nicholson Search & Selection](
– [Otium Capital](

Jérémie Bordier, Venture Partner chez Otium Capital, partage son expérience avec Nicholson : les défis de recrutement des entreprises de son portfolio, sa relation avec notre cabinet, les différentiateurs de Nicholson… Découvrez pourquoi il recommande Nicholson Search & Selection aux entreprises qu’il accompagne.

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