
Gen Z Trailblazer Behind the ‘Quiet Quitting’ Trend Decides to Resign Due to Inefficacy

**The Rise and Fall of Quiet Quitting: Workers’ Perspective on Work-Life Balance**

**The Phenomenon of Quiet Quitting**

Last July, Zaid Khan gained viral fame on TikTok when he uploaded a 17-second video discussing the concept of “quiet quitting.” The video resonated with over 3.6 million viewers worldwide, sparking a trend that has since captured global attention.

In the video, Khan highlights the idea that work should not consume one’s entire life and emphasizes that one’s worth as a person should not be solely defined by their labor. His message struck a chord with workers worldwide, leading to the popularization of the hashtag #quietquitting.

**The Global Impact of Quiet Quitting**

The #quietquitting hashtag quickly gained traction, spreading to workers in various parts of the world, including the U.K., Europe, and the U.S. Today, the hashtag has been viewed by over 858 million people on TikTok alone, reflecting the widespread influence of the trend.

**A Change of Heart: Khan’s Reflection**

However, Khan recently shared an updated video on his TikTok channel, expressing a change in his stance regarding quiet quitting. Firstly, he acknowledged his initial support for withholding labor from companies that disregard their employees’ well-being. In practice, this meant being less responsive, reducing workload, and avoiding full eight-hour workdays.

Yet, Khan soon discovered that the novelty of quiet quitting faded quickly, replaced by a sense of paranoia. Even with an under-the-radar job, he constantly feared being discovered and fired. Furthermore, he experienced a growing existential dread, questioning the true purpose and meaning of his life.

To combat this dissatisfaction, Khan turned to extracurricular activities, such as music and content creation on TikTok. However, these pursuits did not provide the fulfillment he had hoped for. Additionally, his colleagues began to suspect the amount of work he was contributing, further complicating his situation.

It was then that Khan realized that the only way to break free from this career slump was to leave his job entirely. He found that the decision to resign lifted an enormous weight off his shoulders, leading him to believe that more people should have the freedom to choose a path that brings them satisfaction, as work occupies a significant portion of our lives.

**A Shift in Accountability: Management’s Role**

Since departing from the corporate world, Khan has distanced himself from any responsibility for sparking the quiet quitting movement. Instead, he places the blame on poor management practices as the source of disengagement among employees.

Khan’s recent video reveals his realization that feeling disconnected from one’s work and team results from inadequate management. He emphasizes that alienation and dissatisfaction are not the fault of the individual employee. This perspective is supported by new research which indicates a growing number of workers redirecting their frustrations towards management.

**The Rise of Loud Quitting**

In response to their dissatisfaction, employees are now taking more assertive actions to voice their concerns. Instead of quietly quitting, they are opting for what has been coined as “loud quitting.” Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace Report highlights this trend, describing the actions of frustrated employees who actively harm the organization, undermining its goals and opposing its leaders.

This shift in employee behavior signifies a growing discontentment with management practices and a desire for change within organizations. It underscores the need for companies to address the concerns and well-being of their employees to foster a more positive and engaged workforce.


The phenomenon of quiet quitting, introduced by Zaid Khan, had a significant impact on workers’ perspectives on work-life balance. However, Khan himself experienced the limitations and challenges of quiet quitting, leading him to ultimately leave his job. His reflection sheds light on the importance of effective management practices and the need for organizations to prioritize employee well-being. As the trend towards loud quitting gains traction, businesses must adapt to meet the evolving needs of their workforce to create a productive and fulfilling work environment.

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