
AI21 Labs: Cutting-Edge AI Technology Eradicates Generation AI Hallucinations for Enterprises

**AI21 Labs Releases Contextual Answers: A Plug-and-Play Question Answering Engine**

Generative AI startup AI21 Labs has announced the release of Contextual Answers, a plug-and-play question answering engine that can be seamlessly embedded in a company’s digital assets. This new feature of Wordtune, AI21’s consumer product, leverages the power of Jurassic-2, its family of Large Language Models (LLM), to accurately answer user questions about any organizational data while eliminating ChatGPT-like hallucinations.

**The Impact of Generative AI on Enterprises**

As interest in generative AI continues to grow and businesses invest more in this technology, it becomes crucial to protect enterprises from the potential risks associated with generic generative AI tools. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, generative AI has the potential to add $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually to the global GDP, increasing the impact of all types of artificial intelligence by 15% to 40%. McKinsey also states that generative AI can change the anatomy of work by automating some individual activities and augmenting the capabilities of individual workers.

A new study from Capgemini reveals that 81% of U.S. business leaders are strong advocates for generative AI. In fact, 61% of American companies surveyed have already established dedicated generative AI teams and budgets. Additionally, 70% of executives worldwide believe that generative AI will enable organizations to widen the scope of the roles of knowledge workers.

However, the IBM Institute for Business Value reports that while 74% of CEOs feel that their teams are appropriately skilled in generative AI, only 29% of their C-suite agree. IBM suggests that over the next few years, the use of generative AI will dominate all roles and levels across an organization.

**Addressing Risks With Contextual Answers**

Despite the excitement and high expectations surrounding generative AI, it is essential for business executives to be prepared for the associated risks. Recent surveys indicate that most organizations do not effectively mitigate the risks associated with traditional AI, despite adopting the technology. For example, a Global AI Survey by McKinsey found that while over half of the surveyed organizations had already adopted AI, they did not effectively mitigate most of its risks. Likewise, a survey by KPMG found that 90% of respondents had concerns about generative AI risks, but only 6% believed their companies had a mature AI governance program in place.

To help enterprises mitigate generative AI risk, AI21 Labs has introduced the Contextual Answers API, which provides grounded answers to free-form user questions based solely on organizational data. Unlike generic generative AI tools, Contextual Answers only returns fully accurate and relevant answers based on source documents chosen by the organization. This could be an uploaded help center library or internal knowledge base, minimizing the risk of hallucinations.

**Empowering End-Users with Contextual Answers**

End-users, whether customers or internal employees, can leverage the Contextual Answers feature to obtain concise and contextually accurate answers to their questions. For instance, instead of contacting customer relations or human resources teams, an end-user can simply write a free-form question such as “Can I download your app on Android?” or “How do I file a lost employee card?” The model will utilize an organization’s uploaded knowledge base to deliver the appropriate response. Importantly, implementing Contextual Answers requires no prior experience in AI, including machine learning or natural language processing, and only minimal engineering knowledge.

As stated by The Economist, realizing the full benefits of new forms of AI requires firms to reorganize themselves around the technology and adapt AI models for in-house data. It will take time, investment, and a competitive drive to accomplish this reorganization successfully.

In conclusion, AI21 Labs’ release of Contextual Answers addresses the need for accurate and reliable question answering in the context of generative AI. This plug-and-play engine enables enterprises to mitigate risks and harness the power of generative AI while ensuring accurate and relevant responses to user queries.

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