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**Key Takeaways from Fortune Brainstorm Tech 2023: Insights from Industry Leaders**

**Park City, Utah: The New Tech Hub**

The annual Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference recently took place in Park City, Utah, and featured discussions with industry leaders such as former Vice President Al Gore and technology experts. This year’s conference was particularly special as it marked the first time the event was held in Park City, also known as the “Silicon Slopes.” Park City has emerged as a prominent tech center, with about 7% of the state’s workforce being tech workers. This article highlights some of the key takeaways from the conference and provides insights into the growth of the tech industry in Utah.

**Diverse Insights and Perspectives**

During one of the conference panels, Utah-based business leaders discussed the growth of the tech industry in the state. The panelists emphasized that Utah’s success stems from its unique position as a tech hub that has had to rely on its own resources rather than external capital and influence. Startups in Utah have often bootstrapped for many years before seeking outside funding, creating a strong and resilient entrepreneurial community.

However, the CEO and co-founder of Cloudflare, Matthew Prince, raised some concerns about the challenges faced by Utah despite its tech growth. He pointed out that the state still struggles with high LGBT teen suicide rates and pervasive misogynistic practices. Prince also highlighted the need for better infrastructure to support a more diverse and inclusive tech community. The panel provided a space for open and honest conversations about the realities of the industry in Utah.

**Insights from Ancestry and Pluralsight CEOs**

Deborah Liu, CEO of Ancestry, one of the oldest tech companies in Utah, shared some initiatives implemented by the company to address the challenges faced by the tech community. Ancestry has been proactive in combating issues such as gender inequality and lack of diversity by introducing inclusive hiring practices and supporting employee well-being. Liu emphasized the importance of creating an environment that encourages diverse talent to thrive.

Aaron Skonnard, CEO of Pluralsight, discussed the unique position of Utah as a tech hub. He highlighted how the absence of access to significant capital and influential pioneers in the tech industry forced Utah-based companies to rely on their own resources. This self-sufficiency has resulted in a resilient and supportive community of entrepreneurs in the state.

**Vice President Al Gore’s Message on Green Tech**

Former Vice President Al Gore, a prominent figure in climate activism, delivered a powerful message on the role of technology in shaping a sustainable future. Gore emphasized that advancements in information technology have paved the way for cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions. He noted that sustainable approaches, enabled by technology, are now available and can address the pressing challenges of climate change.

In Gore’s words, “We have seen the emergence of new sustainable approaches that are cheaper, cleaner, and better in every single way.” He urged leaders in the tech industry to prioritize the development and adoption of green technology to combat climate change effectively.


The Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference in Park City, Utah, brought together industry leaders and tech enthusiasts to explore the latest developments and discuss the challenges and opportunities in the tech industry. The event highlighted the growth of Utah as a tech hub and the unique characteristics of the local entrepreneurial community. Attendees gained insights into the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the industry and received a powerful message from former Vice President Al Gore on the role of technology in addressing climate change.

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