
The Cost-Reducing Benefits of Scalable Portfolio Personalization

Welcome to NASDAQ TradeTalks! In this segment, Jill Malandrino, Global Market reporter at NASDAQ, is joined by Dana D’Auria, Co-Chief Investment Officer of Envestnet, to discuss the benefits of personalization of portfolios at scale through the automation of the investment process. With the help of digital technologies, it has become easier than ever to collect and analyze data on consumer behavior and preferences, creating an expectation for personalized experiences in all areas of life.

D’Auria explains that if individuals can receive personalized ads on the internet, why can’t their financial advisors provide personalized financial plans that incorporate their social preferences and thoughts? This expectation of personalization has extended to sustainable investments, which have become somewhat politicized in the US. D’Auria clarifies that sustainability isn’t limited to a specific political spectrum; it encompasses any investing approach that incorporates social preferences. Additionally, sustainable investing has the potential for risk reduction and return enhancement by incorporating relevant information, such as environmental and social factors, into investment decisions.

She also mentions the concept of a social Legacy portfolio, which addresses the transition of assets from baby boomers to millennials. Financial advisors need to find ways to engage and retain the next generation of investors, and one approach is to create portfolios that align with millennials’ interests, such as sustainable investing.

Switching gears to market concentration risk, D’Auria acknowledges the high concentration and top-heaviness of the market, primarily driven by a few well-capitalized tech companies. The question arises of whether this concentration will eventually lead to a market correction. However, with the rise of artificial intelligence, there is a potential for even more demand for these stocks. D’Auria mentions that regulatory actions and changes in interest rates could potentially impact the market and these dominant companies.

Finally, on the topic of a recession, D’Auria notes that there are differing views among economists, with some speculating that we may already be in a recession. She suggests keeping an eye on key indicators for more insight into the current economic situation.

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Keywords/tags: nasdaq, stock market, stocks, finance, financial, trading, trader, stock.

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Dana D’Auria, Co-Chief Investment Officer of Envestnet, joins Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq TradeTalks to discuss why personalization of portfolios at scale can help to reduce costs and improve efficiency by automating the investment process.

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