
The Boisterous Departure: Exploring the Emerging Resignation Trend that Poses a Greater Challenge to Business Leaders than the Subdued Counterpart

**Title: The Rise of “Loud Quitting” and its Disruptive Impact on Companies**

**Loud Quitters: A Growing Trend in Employee Disengagement**

You’ve probably heard of “quiet quitting”—the trend that saw employees doing the bare minimum of work and silently checking out of jobs they didn’t enjoy but financially needed. However, a new trend has emerged, known as “loud quitting,” where employees are displaying their unhappiness in a more vocal and disruptive manner. According to Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace Report, these “loud quitters” are actively disengaged from their jobs and are not afraid to show it.

**Loud Quitters vs. Quiet Quitters: The Immediate Danger**

Unlike quiet quitters whose disengagement impacts a company’s culture over time, loud quitters pose an immediate threat. They not only quit their jobs dramatically but also vocalize their negative sentiments about their former employer, dragging down those around them before they exit. These individuals take actions that directly harm the organization and undermine its goals and leadership. For example, they may bad-mouth their boss on LinkedIn just before abruptly resigning. Gallup’s research, based on data from over 122,416 workers, found that approximately 18% of employees worldwide fall into this category of “loud quitters.”

**Disruptive Behavior with Far-reaching Consequences**

Loud quitters are not just unhappy at work; they are resentful that their needs are not being met and act out their unhappiness. This behavior has the potential to disrupt and damage businesses in several ways. Firstly, their actions may negatively impact their colleagues, potentially undermining the accomplishments of engaged coworkers. Secondly, the wave of detrimental distractions caused by loud quitters can lead to increased turnover, which can be detrimental to the firm as a whole. Furthermore, prospective new hires may come across derogatory online comments made by disgruntled employees, impacting the company’s reputation.

Gallup estimates that disengagement in the workplace costs the global economy a staggering $8.8 trillion. Therefore, leaders cannot ignore the organizational risk associated with the behavior of loud quitters.

**Identifying the Causes and Addressing the Issue**

There are various reasons why employees engage in “loud quitting,” including being unsuited for their role or feeling disengaged by their manager. Gallup suggests that the breakdown of trust between employee and employer or employees being mismatched to their roles can lead to constant crises and eventual disengagement.

Management plays a significant role in employee engagement, with 70% of team engagement attributable to the manager, according to the report. Poor management not only leads to lost customers and profits but also results in miserable lives for employees. In fact, Gallup emphasizes that having a job a person hates is worse than being unemployed.

To combat loud quitting and foster employee engagement, leaders must help employees find purpose in their work and feel a sense of pride in what they do. Openly discussing goals and priorities can help employees take ownership of their performance. Additionally, employees value open conversations with their managers, more autonomy to be creative, and fair opportunities for promotion.


The rise of “loud quitting” with its disruptive impact on organizations calls for proactive measures to address employee disengagement. By creating an environment where employees find meaning in their work, have open communication with their managers, and have opportunities for personal growth, leaders can mitigate the risk posed by loud quitters. Ultimately, prioritizing employee engagement and satisfaction is not only beneficial for individuals but also for the overall success and profitability of the company.

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