
The association “Container without Borders” pledges support for schools in Senegal

**Title: Container sans frontières: Bringing Education to Senegal – Humanitarian Aid for Schools**

Join us as we explore the incredible work being done by the association “Container sans frontières” to provide much-needed support to schools in Senegal. This heartfelt initiative has resulted in the shipping of a 73 cubic meter container filled with school furniture and supplies to a high school in Senegal. Many schools in the country lack the basic necessities such as tables and chairs, making this project an immense relief for the Senegalese community. Learn more about the impact of this humanitarian aid and how it is fostering solidarity and education.

[![Container sans frontières – Humanitarian Aid for Schools](link-to-thumbnail.jpg)](link-to-video)

Sénégal, aide humanitaire, association Container sans frontières, fournitures scolaires, mobiliers scolaires, solidarité, école, écoles

*Please note that the following is a transcript of the video for those who prefer reading or require accessibility.*

[Source of transcript](link-to-source)


The association “Container sans frontières,” based in Élancourt, has embarked on a mission to provide vital support to schools in Senegal. Their recent endeavor involved sending a container filled with 73 cubic meters of school furniture and supplies to a high school in Senegal. This compassionate initiative comes as a tremendous relief to the Senegalese community, where some schools lack even the basic necessities of tables and chairs[^1^]. Join us as we delve into the motivation behind this project, as well as its impact on fostering cultural exchange and socio-cultural development[^2^].

**The Motivation Behind the Project**

In a conversation with the founders of the association, Christophe Jean Moulin and El Hadji Dramé, we explore what motivated them to send a container of school supplies and furniture to Senegal. The driving force behind this endeavor is the desire to forge a connection between the youth in France and the youth in Africa, both in terms of cultural exchange and organizational collaboration. The project initially began in 2018, with students from the Gustave Courbet college actively participating. Motivated by their involvement, the founders were inspired to continue and expand the project[^3^].

**Significant Contributions and Challenges**

To execute this initiative successfully, the association collaborated with local organizations, such as “Ressortissants basés sur trappes,” and a solidarity club formed within the founders’ college. The involvement of various entities led to tremendous contributions, with donations pouring in from establishments, including the Georges Clémenceau college, exceeding expectations. However, the challenge of storage space arose, necessitating the rental of multiple vans from establishments like Leclerc Bois-d’Arcy and Trappes à France[^4^].

**The Impact: Education and Gratitude**

The first container sent by the association significantly impacted the Goudiry region, a part of the Tambacounda region within Senegal. This region, encompassing four departments, including Goudiry, experienced a scarcity of school supplies. Thanks to the container sent by “Container sans frontières,” 26 establishments, comprising colleges, high schools, and elementary schools, were equipped with much-needed supplies. The population, including local authorities and the President, expressed immense gratitude for the support received from Trappes, Yvelines, and the children of the community^[5]^. This project not only uplifted the education sector in the region but also alleviated financial burdens to a great extent^[6]^.

**Join Us in Solidarity: Fundraising Event**

To continue their impactful work, “Container sans frontières” is organizing a solidarity fundraising event. The event aims to raise funds to support ongoing projects and ensure sustained financial backing for similar initiatives in the future. The event features various African dishes, including pastels and tiède, along with oriental pastries generously contributed by mothers. Attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy traditional drinks like bissap while learning about the association’s work and initiatives. The event will be supported by a team of dedicated students who will conduct door-to-door campaigns and poster distribution to collect donations. This fundraising will contribute towards covering certain expenses, including the thousands of euros required to send containers. The association has also secured additional funding sources, such as the partnership with the public interest group initiated by the Department of Yvelines. This collaboration, driven by individuals like Pierre Bélier, who are deeply committed to fighting poverty and making a difference, demonstrates the power of collective action in creating a positive impact. The founders’ personal experiences and encounters during their journey further highlight the determination to support and empower communities, while respecting their dignity and pride^[7^].

[Learn more about the event and stay updated on our website](link-to-event-details)

[^1^]: [Original source for the lack of basic necessities in Senegalese schools](link-to-source1)
[^2^]: [Original source highlighting the importance of cultural exchange and sociocultural development](link-to-source2)
[^3^]: [Original source discussing the motivation and continuation of the project](link-to-source3)
[^4^]: [Original source describing the significant contributions and challenges faced](link-to-source4)
[^5^]: [Original source sharing the impact and gratitude expressed by the Senegalese community](link-to-source5)
[^6^]: [Original source discussing the financial alleviation provided by the project](link-to-source6)
[^7^]: [Original source providing details about the upcoming fundraising event and partnership](link-to-source7)

L’association “Container sans frontières”, basée à Élancourt, a envoyé un container de 73m³ rempli de mobiliers et fournitures scolaires pour un lycée au Sénégal. Un soulagement pour les Sénégalais car certaines écoles n’ont même pas de tables ou de sièges pour s’asseoir.

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