
Rekrutierung: Wann sollte ich Junior- oder Senior-Positionen besetzen? (mit Investor Simon Schmincke von CREANDUM)

**Title:** Fabian Tausch: Interviewing Germany’s Top Startup Founders [Podcast]

Welcome to the Fabian Tausch Podcast, where at just 19 years old, Fabian began interviewing the most successful startup founders in Germany. In 2020, Forbes recognized his work by placing him on their prestigious Forbes 30 under 30 list[^1^]. Join us as we delve into the world of entrepreneurship and gain invaluable insights from the experts.

Listen to the full podcast episode on your favorite player: [Unicorn Bakery Podcast]([^2^]

**Who is Fabian Tausch?**
With a passion for startups, Fabian Tausch launched his podcast to share the stories of Germany’s top entrepreneurs. His dedication and impact led to his recognition on Forbes 30 under 30 list[^1^]. Join us as we dive into the minds behind successful businesses and gain valuable lessons.

**Topics Covered:**
Podcast, Business, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Business Podcast, Lifestyle Design, business learnings, gründer werden, gründung, unternehmer werden, unternehmertum, jungunternehmer, startup starten, erfolg, wie gründe ich ein unternehmen, mentor finden, gründer interviews, unicorn bakery, fabian tausch, startup gründen, erfolgreiche startup gründer, wie gründe ich ein startup?, startup finanzierung, investoren finden, business angels finden

**Transcript Excerpt:**
In our conversation, we touch upon the dilemma of hiring junior or senior level employees and the challenges that startup founders face in finding the right fit for their organization’s unique needs. We explore the balance between experience and drive and discuss the importance of a well-rounded team.

Join us as we navigate the complexities of building a successful startup and learn from the experiences of industry experts.

[^1^]: [Fabian Tausch on Forbes 30 under 30 List](
[^2^]: [Unicorn Bakery Podcast](

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Über Fabian Tausch:
Mit 19 Jahren startete Fabian Tausch einen Podcast für Startup Gründer, in dem er die erfolgreichsten Startup-Gründer Deutschlands interviewt. 2020 wird Fabian von Forbes auf die legendäre Forbes 30 under 30 Liste gesetzt.

Der Podcast wuchs über die Jahre zu einem der größten deutschen Podcasts in der Kategorie Entrepreneurship.

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