
PGA Tour Takes Center Stage: Testifying Before the Senate Instead of Collaborating with Saudi Executives in LIV

**Title: Senate Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on PGA-LIV Deal: Implications for Golf and Saudi Arabia’s Influence**

**Subheading: Key Witnesses Agree to Testify, While Others Cite Scheduling Conflicts**

The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has scheduled a hearing to delve into the details of the PGA-LIV deal and its potential implications for the future of golf and Saudi Arabia’s influence in the United States. While some key witnesses have agreed to testify, others have cited scheduling conflicts.

**Subheading: Witnesses Who Will Testify**

Ron Price, the PGA Tour’s chief operating officer, and board member Jimmy Dunne have both agreed to appear before the Senate subcommittee on July 11. The panel expressed appreciation for the PGA Tour’s cooperation and is looking forward to engaging in a thorough discussion with Price and Dunne, focusing on the background and specifics of the deal, and how it may impact the revered American institution.

**Subheading: Absence of Key Witnesses**

Unfortunately, scheduled conflicts have prevented LIV CEO Greg Norman and Yasir Al-Rumayyan, the governor of the Saudi Arabian national wealth fund behind the rival circuit, from testifying at the hearing. It was acknowledged that they possess valuable information about the operations of the Public Investment Fund, the future of LIV Golf, and Saudi Arabia’s plans for investments in golf and other sports. The subcommittee plans to cooperate with both witnesses to find a suitable alternative date for their testimony in the near future.

**Subheading: Background of PGA Tour Leadership**

PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan, who temporarily stepped away from day-to-day operations on June 13 due to a medical situation, initially entrusted the management to Ron Price and Tyler Dennis, the president of the PGA Tour. However, due to a change in circumstances, LIV offered Gary Davidson, the acting chief operating officer of LIV, to testify instead, emphasizing his deeper involvement in the league’s day-to-day affairs and the potential impact of the deal.

**Subheading: Involvement of Parties in the Deal**

Contrary to common perception, Greg Norman and Ron Price were not directly involved in the seven weeks of negotiations that led to the framework agreement between the PIF, PGA Tour, and European Tour. The key participants were Yasir Al-Rumayyan, Jay Monahan, and PGA Tour board members Jimmy Dunne and Ed Herlihy.

**Subheading: Purpose and Scope of the Hearing**

The hearing, titled “The PGA-LIV Deal: Implications for the Future of Golf and Saudi Arabia’s Influence in the United States,” aims to shed light on the specific details of the deal and its potential consequences. Senator Richard Blumenthal, the chair of the panel, expressed the importance of understanding the structure and governance of the new entity and emphasized that the major actors involved should provide answers to Congress and the American people in a public setting.

In conclusion, the Senate subcommittee is poised to hold a significant hearing regarding the PGA-LIV deal. While certain key witnesses will testify, the absence of others due to scheduling conflicts is regrettable. The hearing will serve as an opportunity to gain insights into the deal, evaluate its implications for the future of golf, and assess Saudi Arabia’s influence within the United States.

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