
Ohio Plastic Surgeon Loses License Due to Controversial TikTok Livestreams

**Plastic Surgeon’s License Revoked for Livestreaming Surgeries on TikTok**

The Ohio Medical Board has permanently revoked the state medical license of plastic surgeon Katharine Grawe, also known as Dr. Roxy, after determining that she caused harm to patients by livestreaming their surgeries on the social media app TikTok.

**License Revoked and Ban Imposed on Dr. Roxy**

The Ohio Medical Board made the decision to ban Dr. Roxy, who practices under the name “Roxy Plastic Surgery,” from ever practicing again in the state. This action comes after Grawe’s license was initially suspended in November for her misconduct.

**Neglecting Patients for TikTok Fame**

During her surgeries, Grawe neglected her patients as she livestreamed various parts of their procedures, spoke directly into the camera, and answered viewer questions. These actions were all carried out while the surgeries were taking place.

**Ignored Warnings and Previous Complaints**

As early as 2018, the medical board had warned Grawe about her actions and raised concerns regarding patient privacy and potential ethics violations. In a previous suspension notice, the board documented three cases where severe complications arose from Grawe’s surgeries, requiring intensive medical care.

**Severe Complications and Patient Suffering**

In one case, a patient’s intestine was found to be perforated a week after their surgery, a procedure that Grawe had partially livestreamed on TikTok. The patient experienced severe damage to their abdomen, bacterial infections, and loss of brain function due to the toxins in their blood.

**No Response From Grawe and Private TikTok Account**

Despite attempts to reach out for comment, Grawe and her lawyers did not respond to messages. Currently, her TikTok account remains private.

**In Conclusion**

The Ohio Medical Board has permanently revoked plastic surgeon Dr. Katharine Grawe’s state medical license due to her misconduct of livestreaming surgeries on TikTok. The board had previously warned her about the concerns over patient privacy and ethical violations. Additionally, severe complications and patient suffering were documented in cases related to her surgeries. Grawe’s lack of response and private TikTok account further demonstrate her unwillingness to address the issue. This action by the medical board sends a clear message about the importance of professionalism and patient care in the field of plastic surgery.

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