
Jon Cukierwar’s Approach to Investing: Long-Term Conviction in Global Small-Cap Companies

For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Jon Cukierwar, Founder of Sohra Peak Capital Partners. Jon recently launched Sohra Peak Capital with a unique investment process that focuses on his own 21-point proprietary investment framework. His background and passion for small- and micro-cap stocks led him to identify inefficiencies in small-cap markets on a global scale, with a long-term time horizon.

I was particularly excited to have Jon on the podcast as a fellow millennial who shares the same passion for small- and micro-cap stocks. His clear focus and dedication make him one to watch in the industry.

To learn more about Sohra Peak Capital, visit their website: [](

You can also follow Jon Cukierwar on Twitter [@JonCukierwar](

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*Note: The following is a transcript of the video for SEO optimization purposes.*


Welcome to the Planet MicroCap Podcast. I’m your host Robert Kraft, and thank you all so much for the support and for tuning in. You can follow Planet MicroCap on Twitter @BobbyKraft. This is Episode 194. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to tweet at me or shoot me an email at [email protected]. If you like what you hear, please rate and review Planet MicroCap on iTunes. It really helps provide feedback and spread the MicroCap message.

**[Upcoming Event Announcement]**

We are just over two months away from the SNN Network Canada Virtual Event, our next virtual event on the schedule. This event is taking place from December 7th to December 9th, 2021. Due to popular demand, Paul Andreola from Small Cap Discoveries and myself, on behalf of SNN Network, are teaming up to highlight our neighbors to the north, Canada. We already have an incredible list of companies that are signed up, which we will be sharing shortly. Be sure to register so you can get all those announcements as they are announced. To register for the event, please go to our website: []( Click the Register button, and I look forward to seeing you all there.

**[Interview Introduction]**

Now, for this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Jon Cukierwar, Founder of Sohra Peak Capital Partners. I recently met Jon at one of our virtual events, and as a fellow millennial passionate about small- and micro-cap stocks, I had to invite him on. Jon recently launched Sohra Peak Capital this summer with an investment process that focuses on his own 21-point proprietary investment framework. His background and passion led to what sets him and Sohra Peak apart: finding inefficiencies in small-caps, looking globally with a long-term time horizon.

I really enjoy featuring new, emerging fund managers on the pod, and based on Jon’s background, passion, and clear focus, he’s one to watch for sure.


Thank you again for tuning in to Episode 194 of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, and please enjoy my conversation with Jon Cukierwar.

*Note: The above SEO-optimized description is a revised version of the original video description and includes Markdown, paragraphs and authority links for source.*

For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Jon Cukierwar. He is the Founder of Sohra Peak Capital Partners. I recently met Jon at one of our virtual events, and as a fellow millennial passionate about Small-, Micro-Cap stocks, I had to invite him on. Jon recently launched Sohra Peak Capital this Summer with an investment process that focuses on his own 21-point proprietary investment framework. His background and passion led to what sets him and Sohra Peak apart: finding inefficiencies in Small-Caps, looking globally with a long-term time horizon. I really enjoy featuring new, emerging fund managers on the pod, and based on Jon’s background, passion and clear focus, he’s one to watch for sure.

For more information about Sohra Peak Capital, please visit: 

You can Follow Jon Cukierwar on Twitter @JonCukierwar: 

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