
Jamie Dimon denounces US credit rating downgrade as absurd

Fitch Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating for Second Time in History

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon has dismissed the recent downgrade of the U.S. credit rating by Fitch as “ridiculous” and claimed that it ultimately “doesn’t really matter.” Fitch lowered the government’s credit rating from AAA to AA+ due to concerns about governance and the potential deterioration of the country’s financial standing. This downgrade marks the second time a major ratings agency has stripped the U.S. of its top-tier credit rating. Despite the impact on investors, Dimon argued that it is the markets, not ratings agencies, that determine borrowing costs.

Critics Question Validity of Fitch’s Decision

Dimon is not alone in his skepticism of Fitch’s downgrade. Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers criticized the decision as “bizarre and inept,” emphasizing that the U.S. economy appears to be stronger than expected. Mohamed El-Erian, economic advisor and president of Queens’ College Cambridge, also found Fitch’s move surprising and questioned the timing and reasoning behind it. Even Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen criticized Fitch’s decision, deeming it “flawed” and “entirely unwarranted.”

Fitch Cites Erosion of Governance and Anticipated Deterioration

Fitch cited an “erosion of governance” as the primary reason for the downgrade, noting repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions. The agency also highlighted concerns about tax cuts, increased government spending, economic shocks, and political division contributing to the potential deterioration of the country’s financial standing over the next three years.

Debt Ceiling as a Source of Uncertainty

A key issue raised by Dimon and others is the debt ceiling, which they argue creates uncertainty and instability for financial markets. The debt ceiling, introduced in 1917, established the maximum amount of debt the federal government can borrow. Lawmakers reached a bipartisan deal to raise the debt ceiling just days before a June deadline, averting potential economic turmoil. Dimon suggests that the U.S. should consider eliminating the debt ceiling altogether.

Resilience in U.S. Economy

Despite the downgrade, data released last week indicates that the U.S. economy has demonstrated resilience. Economic growth in the second quarter exceeded expectations, while inflation has cooled for the 12th consecutive month in June. These positive indicators call into question the validity of Fitch’s decision to lower the U.S. credit rating.

Comparison to Other AAA-Rated Countries

Fitch’s downgrade has sparked criticism, particularly when comparing the U.S. credit rating to other AAA-rated countries. Dimon pointed out that several nations with better credit ratings rely on the U.S. for stability. Countries currently maintaining the highest credit rating include Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Singapore, and Australia.


While Fitch’s decision to downgrade the U.S. credit rating has attracted criticism from experts, including JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, the ultimate impact on borrowing costs remains uncertain. The resilience of the U.S. economy and the comparison to other AAA-rated countries raise doubts about the validity of Fitch’s downgrade. The debate over the debt ceiling and its role in creating uncertainty continues, with suggestions to eliminate it as a potential solution.

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