
Iñaki Arrola, co-founder of K Fund, discusses entrepreneurship and start-ups at AULA UNIR

**[This video](** features Iñaki Arrola, co-founder of K Fund, a venture capital fund specializing in technological projects. In the interview, he discusses his journey as an entrepreneur, from founding the start-up to his current role as a business angel. Aula UNIR explores his beginnings, challenges, and the lessons he has learned from his extensive experience. Arrola delves into the requirements for a successful business, his process of selecting investments for his technology fund, and the importance of talent, hard work, luck, and networking in any professional career.

**Keywords/Tags**: Iñaki Arrola, Iñaki Arrola K Fund, K Fund, emprendimiento, start-up, fondo de capital de riesgo,, proyectos tecnológicos, inversión, inversión en tecnología, financiación, Aula UNIR, UNIR, universidad online, estudiar online, estudiar en línea

**Transcript (Edit for coherence):**
Welcome to a new edition of Aula UNIR, where we aim to bridge the gap between the business world and disruption for university students. Today, we have a very special guest, Iñaki Arrola. In this interview titled “From Entrepreneur to Investor: Iñaki Arrola’s Technological Journey,” we discuss his experiences as an entrepreneur, his role as an investor, and his mission to open doors for others to fulfill their dreams and ideas.

Iñaki shares that he initially started a company without a clear plan or business strategy. However, as things started to align and progress, he realized the importance of having a roadmap. This realization led him to not only invest in other companies informally but also develop a structured approach with a dedicated fund and management team. His intention was to provide support from an entrepreneur’s perspective, offering unique insights that traditional investors might not have.

One of the notable projects Iñaki embarked on was, which later transformed into It took 15 years from its inception in 2003 for the company to be sold in 2018. Iñaki explains that this timeline challenges the perception that success comes quickly. He highlights that building a successful company requires effort, perseverance, and a shift in mindset.

Education also played a significant role in Iñaki’s journey. Despite being an average student during his undergraduate studies, pursuing a master’s degree helped him structure his thoughts and expand his network. Moreover, he emphasizes the power of cultivating relationships with classmates, as they often end up accomplishing remarkable things.

Throughout the interview, Iñaki shares insights from his own experiences and acknowledges the mistakes he made along the way. He discusses the importance of tenacity and perseverance, nurtured by the support and belief of family and loved ones. He also touches upon the challenges faced during the tough early years of his entrepreneurial journey.

In conclusion, this interview with Iñaki Arrola provides valuable insights into the world of entrepreneurship and investing. His story reminds us that success takes time, effort, and a willingness to learn from failure. Join us as we delve into the mind of a visionary entrepreneur-turned-investor.

Source: [Aula UNIR](

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Iñaki Arrola, cofundador de K Fund, fondo de capital riesgo especializado en proyectos tecnológicos, explica sus primeros pasos en el emprendimiento como fundador de la start-up hasta su rol actual como ‘business angel’.

En Aula UNIR repasamos con él sus inicios, sus retos, los errores que se cometen y qué consejos puede ofrecer tras su dilatada experiencia. Ahondará en cuáles son los requisitos para que un negocio triunfe, su proceso de selección de participadas para su fondo tecnológico y la importancia del talento, el trabajo, la suerte y la agenda en cualquier carrera profesional.

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