
Levanta capital exitosamente con la guía de Antonio Giménez de Córdoba de Seaya Ventures
**Title: cómo levantar capital para startups en tiempos de crisis | Entrevista con Antonio Giménez de Córdoba**

Welcome to Startup Crime! In this online interview, Antonio Giménez de Córdoba, partner at Seaya Ventures, shares his insights on raising capital for startups during times of crisis. Join us as Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit, CEO & Founder at MarsBased, explores topics such as company culture, digital transformation, community, technology development, innovation, business strategy, and more. Gain valuable advice and learn from successful startup cases in the tech industry. Discover the importance of effective communication, the role of investors and clients, and the significance of building a strong team. Don’t miss out on this valuable conversation packed with practical tips for startup success.

**Keywords/Tags:** cultura de empresa, transformación digital, comunidad, desarrollo, tecnología, innovación, negocio, estrategia de negocio, startup, management, emprendedor, emprendimiento, consejos para startups, casos de éxito, startup tecnológica, networking profesional, valores de empresa, comunicación efectiva, inversor, cliente, equipo, founder, ronda financiación, levantar capital, venture capital, angel investor, business angel

**Video Transcript:**
(*Transcript shortened for brevity*)

Without further ado, let’s welcome Antonio Giménez de Córdoba, partner at Seaya Ventures, a well-known cloud-based capital firm operating out of Madrid. Antonio shares his journey into the exciting world of venture capital, supporting entrepreneurs and investing in technology-based companies. Seaya Ventures has a diverse portfolio, including successful businesses like Jotas Network, La Sabana Clarity, and Gurú El Monte. Antonio highlights the firm’s investment strategy, focusing on early-stage companies with promising performance. Seaya Ventures aims to be a global leader in their invested companies’ respective categories or regions.

Antonio emphasizes the value of referrals when it comes to reaching out to venture capital firms like Seaya Ventures. While they receive a significant number of investment opportunities, personal recommendations from trusted connections are highly regarded. He also shares various channels for contacting the firm, including LinkedIn.

Àlex asks about the perceived impact of referrals on Seaya Ventures’ evaluation process. Antonio assures that the firm values every opportunity and has a dedicated team to carefully assess each pitch, regardless of the referral source. He highlights the importance of allowing the entrepreneur to choose their ideal partner and mentions specific individuals within the Seaya Ventures network.

Antonio acknowledges the current global crisis and its impact on different sectors. However, he remains optimistic about the technology industry’s potential as a winner in these challenging times. He believes in the acceleration of digitization and foresees positive outcomes within the sector.

Join us in this insightful interview as Antonio Giménez de Córdoba shares his expertise in raising capital for startups, even in times of crisis. Gain valuable insights and practical advice for success in the ever-evolving startup ecosystem.

*Source: [Link](authoritylink1)*

*Source: [Link](authoritylink2)*

Entrevista online a Antonio Giménez de Córdoba (Partner @ Seaya Ventures) de Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit (CEO & Founder at MarsBased) acerca de cómo levantar capital para startups en tiempos de crisis.

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