
Harvard Graduate Reveals: Leveraging Chegg and ChatGPT for Homework Excellence

**Gen Z Skepticism and Boomer Enthusiasm Over A.I. in the Classroom**

A Gen Z audience member at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference expressed skepticism over the long-term educational benefits of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in the classroom. They argued that A.I., specifically referring to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, couldn’t do anything other than provide correct homework answers. In contrast, Chegg’s CEO Dan Rosensweig, a baby boomer, displayed unexpected enthusiasm about A.I.’s potential to help students with their schoolwork.

**Chegg’s Business Threatened by A.I. Competitors**

Nadya Okamoto, a Harvard graduate, shared her own experience of using Chegg for homework answers rather than for learning purposes. She claimed that many young students use tools like ChatGPT to make completing homework easier, rather than legitimately engaging with the material. Chegg, an education company providing a subscription service to assist students with homework and studying, has faced threats from competitors like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, which offer similar services for free. This competition has posed challenges to Chegg’s business, leading to a significant drop in its stock price in May.

**Chegg’s Foray into Generative A.I.**

During the Brainstorm Tech conference, Rosensweig announced Chegg’s introduction of a generative A.I. tool called Cheggmate. This virtual study assistant aims to provide personalized learning experiences for students. Rosensweig highlighted that Cheggmate is designed to work with students, not do the work for them like ChatGPT or Bard. According to Rosensweig, Chegg focuses on the students who want to use education to improve their opportunities rather than those seeking shortcuts.

**The Concerns of Gen Z Leader Nadya Okamoto**

However, Okamoto expressed skepticism about Rosensweig’s belief that A.I. tools like Cheggmate would be exclusively used for knowledge acquisition. She argued that these tools create little incentive for students to actively engage with their course materials. Okamoto drew on her own experience, recounting how she lost focus on her studies during her junior year due to raising funds for her nonprofit. She relied on Chegg because it was convenient and held the belief that “C’s get degrees.” Okamoto raised concerns about deprioritizing curiosity and critical thinking when relying heavily on A.I. tools like Cheggmate.

**Rosensweig’s Counterargument**

Rosensweig countered Okamoto’s perspective, stating that she was thinking about A.I. tools from the wrong angle. He emphasized that Chegg was created for students who lack the same level of resources as those attending elite universities like Harvard. According to Rosensweig, Chegg primarily serves students who have historically been unsupported by their school systems. These students often have unconventional college experiences, such as working long hours or dealing with family responsibilities while studying. Rosensweig’s focus is on empowering students who genuinely want to learn and improve their lives through education.

**Academic Institutions and Professors’ Responsibilities**

Additionally, Rosensweig criticized academic institutions and professors for not adapting to the changing educational landscape. He called them “lazy” for failing to update their curricula and create more thoughtful exam questions that cannot be easily answered using A.I. tools like ChatGPT. Rosensweig implied that if professors provided more challenging and engaging material, students would not rely solely on A.I. for answers.

In conclusion, there are differing opinions on the role of A.I. in the classroom. Gen Z students like Nadya Okamoto voice concerns about a potential lack of engagement and critical thinking in the face of readily available A.I. tools. In contrast, Chegg’s CEO, Dan Rosensweig, believes that A.I. tools like Cheggmate can empower students who are underserved by traditional educational systems. The debate continues on how to strike a balance between utilizing A.I. for academic support while still fostering active learning and curiosity in students.

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