
Enhancing Gender Equality in India: How Far Are We from Achieving Full Parity? | ET Now

**Title: Achieving Gender Parity: Insights from the Global Gender Gap Report 2023**

In this insightful video, we delve into the findings of the Global Gender Gap Report 2023, released by the World Economic Forum. The report highlights the progress and challenges in achieving gender parity across sectors such as economy, politics, health, and education.

According to the report, India has moved up to the 127th position on the World Gender Parity Index, showcasing improvement in gender equality. While we have achieved parity in enrollment across all levels of education, the question remains – when will we attain parity across all sectors? But before we explore that, let’s understand how the evaluation of gender parity works.

**The Global Gender Gap Report 2023: A Grim Forecast and Slow Progress**

The report reveals a grim forecast, suggesting that women worldwide may have to wait another 131 years to achieve gender parity with men. This sobering statistic implies that true gender equality may not be fully realized until 2154.

Moreover, the report highlights that the overall gender gap closed by a mere 0.3% compared to the previous year. At this rate, it will take an estimated 162 years to close the political empowerment gender gap, 169 years for the economic participation and opportunity gender gap, and 16 years for the educational attainment gender gap. The time to close the health and survival gender gap remains undefined.

**Key Findings: Progress and Challenges**

While no country has achieved full gender parity, there are notable success stories. Countries such as Iceland, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, Germany, Nicaragua, Namibia, and Lithuania have closed the gender gap by at least 80%. Iceland, in particular, has been at the top of the list for the 14th consecutive year, with 91.2% of its overall gender gap closed.

Turning our focus to India, this year the country ranked 127 out of 146 countries, an improvement of eight positions since last year. We have achieved parity in enrollment across all levels of education, but there is still work to be done. In terms of economic participation and opportunity, India has only achieved 36.7% parity. Representation of women in senior positions and technical roles has slightly declined, posing challenges for economic empowerment.

On the political front, India has registered a 25.3% gender parity, with women representing 15.1% of parliament lawmakers, the highest representation since 2006. There has also been improvement in health and survival, with a 1.9% increase in the sex ratio at birth.

**Moving Towards Gender Parity: Collective Action is Needed**

Closing the gender gap requires collective and coordinated action by both the private sector and state enterprises. Achieving gender parity in economic participation and leadership roles is crucial for addressing broader gender gaps in households, societies, and economies. Bold action and leadership will be instrumental in accelerating progress towards gender parity and igniting renewed growth and greater resilience.

*Watch the complete video to gain a deeper understanding of the findings from the Global Gender Gap Report 2023 and the challenges we must overcome to achieve true gender equality.*

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According to a report by the World Economic Forum, India has moved up to the 127th position on the World Gender Parity Index.
We’ve managed to attain parity in enrollment across all levels of education. But still the question is, when will we attain parity across all sectors? In fact, how does the evaluation work in the first place? The Global Gender Gap Report of World Economic Forum, which was released this week, noted that women worldwide may have to wait another 131 years to achieve gender parity with men. This grim forecast implies that a relatively perfect gender equality may not be fully realised
until 2154. The Global Gender Gap Report 2023, that assesses equality across various sectors including economy, politics, health and education, noted that overall gender gap closed by a mere 0.3% compared to the previous year. Watch the complete video now to know more.
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