
Domino’s Enhances Delivery Fleet by Incorporating 300 Additional Chevy Bolts

**Domino’s Increases Chevy Bolts in Delivery Fleet to Over 1,100**

Domino’s pizza chain has announced plans to expand its electric vehicle (EV) delivery fleet. The company has added over 300 Chevy Bolts to its existing fleet, bringing the total number of EVs to over 1,100. Domino’s president of U.S. and global services, Joe Jordan, stated that the initial target was to have 800 EVs on the road by the end of 2023. This milestone has already been achieved, and due to the positive response from stores and franchisees, an additional 300-plus cars will be added to the fleet by the end of the year.

**Benefits of Using Electric Cars for Delivery**

Apart from the environmental benefits of reducing emissions, Domino’s has identified several advantages of using electric cars for its delivery services. The company highlights that the battery life of EVs is sufficient for days of deliveries on a single charge. Additionally, maintenance costs for electric vehicles are lower compared to traditional cars. Moreover, the availability of the EV fleet has contributed to an improvement in recruiting delivery drivers, as they no longer need to have their own vehicle to work for Domino’s.

**Domino’s Delivery Range Expansion**

To further enhance its delivery services, Domino’s recently introduced a pinpoint delivery feature. This feature enables customers to have their pizzas delivered to specific locations, even if they are unconventional, such as park benches or the beach. By allowing customers to drop a pin anywhere, Domino’s aims to provide a more convenient and personalized delivery experience.

**Addressing Driver Shortage Challenges**

Over the past 18 months, Domino’s has faced challenges in recruiting enough delivery drivers due to a shortage. To address this issue, the company employed various strategies, such as offering a $3 credit for pickups and enabling customers to order pizzas through Apple CarPlay.

**Company Performance and Future Outlook**

Despite the pandemic-driven surge in business, Domino’s has experienced a slowdown in customer orders, as reflected in its most recent earnings report. Same store sales growth showed a decline of 0.8% in fiscal 2022. CEO Russell Weiner acknowledged that Domino’s is a “work-in-progress brand.” However, the expansion of the EV delivery fleet indicates the company’s commitment to improving its delivery services and embracing environmentally friendly practices. With the addition of over 300 Chevy Bolts to the fleet, Domino’s aims to overcome challenges and ensure efficient and sustainable food delivery.


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