
Cryptocurrency Bubble Burst: Job Offers Plummet by Up to 80% in Prominent American Urban Centers

**Cryptocurrency Job Market Takes a Hit as Open Positions Decline**

A report from the Brookings Institution reveals that the job market in the cryptocurrency industry is currently experiencing a significant decline. Despite a booming period in 2021 and early 2022, open positions at crypto companies in the United States have plummeted, with some major cities seeing an 80% drop.

**Cryptocurrency Industry Defined by Boom-and-Bust Cycles**

The cryptocurrency industry has always been known for its extreme boom-and-bust cycles. However, the past few years have been particularly dramatic. In November 2021, Bitcoin reached nearly $70,000 before the sector experienced a devastating decline due to the collapse of high-profile projects like FTX. This decline was further exacerbated by enforcement actions from government agencies.

**Crypto Industry Portrayed as an Area of Economic Growth and Opportunity**

During the boom period, crypto advocates touted the digital asset industry as a realm of economic growth and opportunity. Local leaders across the United States, from Texas to Florida, sought to capitalize on the hype by welcoming crypto companies to their cities. Miami Mayor Francis Suarez even launched his own ill-fated crypto token, known as MiamiCoin, in an effort to portray the city as crypto-friendly.

**Crypto Job Growth Hits a Snag**

The Brookings report, authored by Tonantzin Carmona, Mark Muro, and Sifan Liu, highlights the impact of the sector’s volatility on job growth. Analyzing data from Crunchbase, the researchers found that the number of new startups emerging in the crypto space has drastically declined. In January 2022, there were 80 new startups per month, but by April 2023, this number had dwindled to just two.

**Precipitous Drop in Open Job Listings in Major U.S. Cities**

The decline in job opportunities mirrors the tumultuous times the crypto industry has faced. As crypto prices dropped and prominent companies collapsed, major cities such as New York and Los Angeles, which previously attracted numerous crypto startups, have experienced a significant decrease in open job listings.

**Cautionary Tale for Metro Areas**

The researchers from Brookings argue that the decline in the crypto job market should serve as a cautionary tale for metro areas seeking to attract disruptive technologies. Despite the efforts of some state and local governments to foster crypto activity, the associated startups and jobs have proven to be unstable and unsustainable. Many of these companies have caused investor losses and have become involved in fraud cases, requiring local law enforcement’s intervention.

**Crypto Firms Seeking More Welcoming Jurisdictions**

Given the uncertain regulatory environment in the U.S., many crypto firms have started exploring opportunities in more welcoming jurisdictions abroad. Crypto companies like Coinbase and Gemini have already launched offshore exchanges, while Binance.US faces lawsuits from government agencies, placing its future in the U.S. in jeopardy. Even in New York, a state with a regulatory regime for crypto, some firms have expressed their intention to relocate overseas due to stricter oversight.

**Artificial Intelligence Gaining Momentum**

Meanwhile, investors are increasingly turning their attention to the artificial intelligence (AI) sector, signaling a shift away from crypto. Some venture firms have shown interest in AI, much to the dismay of dedicated crypto enthusiasts. A study from CoinGecko, a crypto data aggregator, revealed that search interest in “A.I. jobs” surpassed that in “crypto jobs” by four times in June.

**Focusing on “Critical” Technological Sectors**

Given the data presented, the researchers at Brookings suggest that cities should refocus their attention on “critical” technological sectors such as biotech and energy. The collapse of the crypto bubble serves as a reminder that not all emerging technologies are as promising as they may be hyped up to be. This shift in focus can help guide regional economic development strategies more effectively.

In conclusion, the cryptocurrency job market in the United States has seen a steep decline after a period of rapid growth. The industry’s volatility, coupled with high-profile collapses and enforcement actions, has taken a toll on job growth. As crypto companies look to more welcoming jurisdictions abroad, cities are urged to reassess their strategies and explore other promising technological sectors.

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