
Cómo vota el barrio ‘hipster’ de Barcelona, Poblenou

📺 **Metrópoli Report: Poblenou Residents Discuss Expectations for Municipal Elections**

In this engaging episode of Metrópoli, our reporters hit the streets of Poblenou to get an inside look at the pre-election atmosphere ahead of the upcoming municipal elections. Join us as we chat with local residents to hear their thoughts and expectations for the current mayoral mandate.

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**Keywords/Tags:** #news #reportajes #noticias #actualidad #barcelona #areametropolitana #españa #cataluña


Metrópoli’s team visited the vibrant neighborhood of Poblenou to capture the pulsating preelectoral atmosphere leading up to the highly anticipated May 28th municipal elections in Barcelona. We engaged with local residents to gauge their current voting preferences and expectations. The responses were diverse!

One resident praised the neighborhood’s significant improvements, particularly in terms of green spaces and the overall well-being of the community. On the other hand, some residents expressed concerns about the contagion of overtourism and urged for more aggressive traffic calming measures to pacify the area.

While the general sentiment regarding the famous Superilla has shifted from skepticism to appreciation, there were mentions of inconveniences such as parking difficulties and bus stops being a bit far. Nevertheless, the overall assessment of Superilla’s impact remained positive.

Notably, there were contrasting opinions about nightlife spots in the neighborhood. Some residents appreciated the revitalization of certain areas, considering them perfect for leisure activities. However, others emphasized the importance of conducting these activities in places that were already established entertainment zones, minimizing disturbance to residential areas.

Residents also highlighted the need for improved cleanliness throughout the neighborhood, particularly in comparison to more tourist-centric areas. Another concern brought up was the issue of excessive drinking and noise during the night, potentially affecting the peaceful environment for families and children.

Furthermore, there were discussions about handling immigrant integration sensitively and the challenges faced due to the influx of tourists. As the conversation continued, residents shared their wishes for the future Mayor of Barcelona, including a focus on improving issues related to pollution, while ensuring the safety of both pedestrians and motorists in relation to the growing prevalence of scooters and bicycles.

Join us for an enlightening conversation with the residents of Poblenou as they voice their desires and concerns for their beloved neighborhood. Stay informed and engaged with Metrópoli!

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➡️ [Watch the Full Video Here](insert video link)

(Transcript adapted from [Metrópoli Abierta](

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🎤 Metrópoli sale a la calle para hablar con los vecinos de Poblenou sobre el actual mandato y sus expectativas con las elecciones municipales a la vuelta de la esquina

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  1. La superilla ha traído problemas de circulación rodada, borracheras por las noches, grupos de menas conflictivos campando a sus anchas, y encima las paradas de autobús quedan muy lejos, pero está genial. Más inclusión social y más Colau lo arreglarán. De verdad, la gente tiene el cerebro hecho polvo.

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