
Expertise “Exploring the Responsibility of Judges and Courts in Alerting Legal Practitioners of the Risks Associated with Utilizing Generative AI for Legal Purposes”

Controversy Surrounding the Use of Generative AI in the Legal Field

A Legal Hullabaloo

The use of AI in the legal field is becoming increasingly common. However, like any technological advancement, there are bound to be controversies and legal issues that arise. In this article, we will examine the ongoing controversy surrounding the use of generative AI by attorneys and judges in courts.

The Original Legal Controversy

The controversy surrounding generative AI in the legal field began with a case in New York. Two attorneys used generative AI for legal research in their legal case. However, the AI-generated legal cases that they included in their filings were either non-existent or misstated.

This was a major legal violation, as attorneys are duty-bound to present truthful facts to the court. As a result, the attorneys are now facing potential court sanctions.

The Texas Court Ruling

In response to the legal controversy in New York, a Texas judge has formally posted a new rule regarding the use of generative AI in his court. Attorneys in his court are now required to sign an official certification that they have complied with this new rule.

This new requirement has sparked a new controversy. The question on the table is whether judges and courts need to inform and formally require compliance from lawyers concerning the use of generative AI for legal work.

Potential Downsides of Judges and Courts Informing Attorneys About Generative AI

On one hand, it may seem straightforward that judges and courts should inform attorneys about the uses and limitations of generative AI. However, some argue that this may have unintended consequences.

For instance, this requirement may snowball and become a legal nightmare with countless knotty problems. Furthermore, the Texas judge’s ruling may set a precedent that other courts follow, leading to a blanket requirement for attorney compliance across the country.

The Task Force on Responsible Use of Generative AI for Law

Given the pressing concerns around generative AI in the legal field, the Computational Law group at established the Task Force on Responsible Use of Generative AI for Law. The purpose of this task force is to develop principles and guidelines on ensuring factual accuracy, accurate sources, valid legal reasoning, alignment with professional ethics, due diligence, and responsible use of generative AI for law and legal processes.

Lessons Learned

The controversy surrounding the use of generative AI demonstrates the need for caution and due diligence when using AI in any pursuit. Anyone using generative AI for substantive pursuits must heed various crucial considerations to ensure that they do not fall into legal and ethical traps.


The controversy surrounding generative AI in the legal field is ongoing, with potential legal and ethical concerns still arising. It is incumbent upon attorneys, judges, and technologists to work together to find ways to use generative AI responsibly and ethically in the legal field and beyond.

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