
Ynsect présente l’émission EcoSystème sur Bsmart avec Thomas Hugues

## Welcome to the YouTube video of Ynsect’s CEO, Antoine Hubert, and VC Investor at Astanor Ventures, Laetitia de Panafieu, as they discuss the relationship between startups and investors, as well as the latest news from Ynsect.

In this video, you will learn about Ynsect’s acquisition of Protifarm, their construction of the world’s largest vertical farm, and their recent Bcorp certification. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of insect-based sustainable agriculture.

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*Timestamp: 0:00 – 1:30*


[Music] [Applause]

Welcome to this exciting episode featuring Antoine Hubert, CEO of Ynsect, and Laetitia de Panafieu, VC Investor at Astanor Ventures. Today, we discuss the dynamic relationship between startups and investors, as well as the latest updates from Ynsect. Stay tuned!

*Timestamp: 1:30 – 3:10*

**Transforming Insects Into Sustainable Ingredients**

Antoine Hubert, an agricultural engineer, shares the story of Ynsect, which was founded a decade ago. Ynsect’s mission is to transform insects, specifically beetles, into premium ingredients for animal and plant nutrition. These nutritious ingredients have proven benefits for animal growth and overall health. As we face global challenges, Ynsect’s innovative approach offers a sustainable solution.

*Timestamp: 3:10 – 5:20*

**Revolutionizing Insect Farming**

Discover the revolutionary farming techniques employed by Ynsect. Their vertical farms, located in France, are home to the Molitor beetle breed. The farming process involves utilizing ancient techniques used in silk farming, ensuring quality and efficiency. With the aid of robotics and automation, Ynsect monitors and cares for the beetles’ growth and harvests. Their impressive vertical farm will soon reach 20 meters in the Jura region and 40 meters in Amiens.

*Timestamp: 5:20 – 8:15*

**Expanding Horizons: Ynsect’s Latest Achievements**

In recent news, Ynsect acquired a company in the Netherlands, marking their entry into the human food market. This acquisition aligns with Ynsect’s vision of making the aquaculture industry more sustainable and providing nutrition for our beloved pets. With plans to enter the human nutrition sector, Ynsect aims to address the increasing demand for sustainable alternatives in various specialized areas, such as sports nutrition.

*Timestamp: 8:15 – 9:40*

**Laetitia de Panafieu: Investing in a Sustainable Future**

Laetitia de Panafieu, a VC Investor specializing in the agri-food industry, shares the rationale behind Astanor Ventures’ investment in Ynsect. Addressing the urgent need for sustainable solutions in the food industry, Ynsect’s talented team, expertise, and technology provide a promising path towards a greener future. Astanor Ventures is proud to support Ynsect’s growth and contribute their industry-specific insights and networking capabilities.

*Timestamp: 9:40 – 11:30*

**Ynsect’s Impact and Bcorp Certification**

Antoine and Laetitia discuss the importance of Ynsect’s Bcorp certification and its significance. The certification recognizes Ynsect’s commitment to sustainability in various aspects, including the environment, ethics, and social responsibility. Ynsect’s products, built with cutting-edge technology, promote environmental consciousness while taking into account social and ethical considerations. Obtaining this prestigious certification further solidifies Ynsect’s dedication to making a positive impact.

Thank you for watching this informative video featuring Antoine Hubert and Laetitia de Panafieu. Stay tuned for more updates from Ynsect, as they revolutionize the agri-food industry and pave the way for a more sustainable future.


Antoine Hubert, CEO d’Ynsect et Laetitia de Panafieu, VC Investor chez Astanor Ventures étaient sur le plateau de Thomas Hugues sur Bsmart pour parler de la relation startups/ investisseurs et des dernières actualités d’Ynsect : Acquisition de Protifarm, construction de la plus grande ferme verticale au monde, labellisation Bcorp .

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