
“Unlocking the Full Potential of the Business Expertise Series: A Comprehensive Guide”

Commoncog Offers Free Access to Business Expertise Series

Commoncog, a site that facilitates expertise acquisition, has recently announced that it is making its Business Expertise Series free for everyone to read. According to Commoncog, all good business people, regardless of industry, share the same mental model of business. With this announcement, Commoncog hopes to organise much of its site content around this model of business expertise, which is useful for training and self-improvement.

Business Expertise Overview Page

Commoncog has added two new ‘topic overview’ pages to its site: Business Expertise and Expertise in General. The Business Expertise page offers readers an insight into the findings of Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM) researcher Lia DiBello, whose studies have shown that the expertise of good businesspeople shares similar mental models. Commoncog further explains the three legs of the business expertise triad: Supply, Demand, and Capital, which are linked in the Business Expertise Overview Page.

Supply, Demand, and Capital Topics

The Supply page offers a broad range of articles related to running businesses better, covering organisational design, better management, operational rigour, and becoming data-driven. The Demand page offers articles on strategies to understand customers, beat the competition, and general discussions on strategy and innovation. The Capital page has articles related to capital structure, cash flow, unit economics, and other financial topics.

Expertise Acceleration Overview Page

Commoncog’s approach to expertise acceleration revolves around looking at the best research methods and testing these methods in practice. Commoncog’s Expertise Overview Page features information on the site’s approach to expertise acquisition beyond business.

Importance of Free Access to Business Expertise Series

Commoncog stresses the importance of its work on DiBello’s model of business expertise, which has played a significant role in shaping the site’s content over the past two years. The release of the Business Expertise Series solidifies the site’s focus on the acquisition and betterment of business expertise and training methods for accelerated acquisition.

Future Updates to Commoncog’s Offerings

Commoncog plans to release more updates related to its site offerings, which may include the completion of the Becoming Data Driven Series, the next phase of the Commoncog Case Library, and writing on conglomerates’ question.


Commoncog’s decision to make the Business Expertise Series free for everyone to read is a welcome move. The site has continued to be an invaluable resource for those seeking to acquire expertise and improve their business acumen. Commoncog’s redesign of its topic overviews is also a way to make site themes more coherent, thereby assisting readers in better understanding topics related to their interests.

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