
The Rise of AI as a Trendy Term: Should We Be Concerned about the Threat it Poses to Humanity? Looking Deeper than the Headlines

**Title:** The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Jobs – Beyond the Headline

**Description:** In this episode of Beyond the Headline, host Tamanna Inamdar delves into the artificial intelligence and disruption narrative. Joining the discussion are industry experts Kanishka Gore, Kazim Rizvi, and Jaspreet Bindra. They engage in a comprehensive conversation about the concerns surrounding AI’s potential threat to job security, particularly in India. The panelists explore the need for preparedness, upskilling, and a resilient plan to counter any possible impact on specific sectors and skills. This video provides valuable insights into the evolving technology landscape and its implications for the future of work.


*Note: The following is a transcript of the discussion held in the video.*

Tamanna Inamdar: Welcome to Beyond the Headline. Today, we have the esteemed panel consisting of Kanishka Gore, cyber security expert, Kazim Rizvi, founding director of the Dialogue, and Jaspreet Bindra, founder of Tech Whisperer. We will be discussing the concerns surrounding artificial intelligence and its potential impact on job losses.

Jaspreet Bindra: Thank you for having us. I agree with the Minister’s stance that we shouldn’t panic about job losses, particularly in India. Reports from organizations like Waf and Goldman Sachs indicate that while there may be job losses, there will also be job creation. In fact, India is expected to be less impacted in terms of job losses compared to developed countries. We have time to adjust and leverage the benefits of AI.

Tamanna Inamdar: Jaspreet, you have raised concerns about AI in the past, echoing the sentiments of top tech minds worldwide. Do you think India needs to better prepare itself for this potential threat?

Jaspreet Bindra: Absolutely. As one of the largest IT outsourcing and offshoring industries, we need to critically analyze which skills might become outdated due to AI automation. Industries like travel agents and content creation are already witnessing changes. To mitigate job losses, we need a comprehensive plan to upskill and reskill people. Bodies like NASCAR and the Data Security Council of India can help in this process.

Kanishka Gore: I couldn’t agree more. It’s not just about job losses, but the need to identify the specific skills at risk and develop a resilient plan to counter them. We must understand that job displacement is not new with technological advancements. With each major advancement, new opportunities have emerged, resulting in net job creation.

Tamanna Inamdar: So, there’s a need to move beyond the binary perspective of job threat versus advantage. AI is an evolving technology that requires us to learn and adapt. We can learn from historical examples, such as the introduction of the internet and computers, which initially led to job losses but ultimately created more opportunities. It’s crucial to understand the potential of AI and how it can contribute to industrial growth.


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In this episode of Beyond the Headline, host Tamanna Inamdar will be discussing the artificial intelligence and disruption narrative. Artificial intelligence has been the buzzword this year. It is transforming the world we live in by doing things that were previously limited only to humans, like writing poems, writing movie scripts, cracking exams, etc. While this naturally created lot of wonders and excitement around AI it has also started to ring alarm bells.”New tech always comes with a disruption narrative. We need to be alert and not worry,” said I-T Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar.
We are joined by a few panellists. “We don’t need to worry about losing jobs to AI, especially in India.” said Jaspreet Bindra. watch in!
#ai #artificialintelligence #rajeevchandrashekhat #tamannainamdar #beyondtheheadline
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  1. I dought Mr bindra about you speaking AI will not devasate human race ..,..
    As there are crooked minded people if someone trains AI to do some destructive activities and or AI learns more to think and feel than humans first thing AI will think who is human to create and command why not I demolish it.
    Stop spreading false ethical news
    AI is bad and will terminate humans one day

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