
The Hidden Truths: Escaping the Filter Bubble’s Trap

## Algorithm Explained: Uncovering the Dark Side of Personalized Feeds

The internet and social media are driven by algorithms that are constantly monitoring our every move. But have you ever wondered what goes unnoticed about these algorithms? In this eye-opening video, we delve into the hidden side of the internet and explore how algorithms keep us trapped inside filter bubbles.

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As we navigate the digital landscape, algorithms rely on various clues to tailor our content. They analyze our browsing history, the posts we engage with, the videos we watch, and even the personal information we disclose when signing up for websites. All of this data is used to serve us customized content and targeted ads.

Social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram also use algorithms to predict what we want to see next based on our activity. Do you have a penchant for cooking content? Are you watching a lot of videos these days? Algorithms make educated guesses about our preferences and curate our feeds accordingly.

While personalization may seem beneficial, it can lead to unintended consequences. When we are constantly exposed to content similar to what we have consumed before, opposing perspectives become hidden. We find ourselves trapped in a filter bubble, an environment where we only see information that reinforces our existing beliefs.

This phenomenon, coined as a filter bubble by activist Eli Perez, creates the illusion that everyone agrees with us. It stifles diversity of thought and prevents us from encountering opposing viewpoints. It is akin to being surrounded by the walls of an echo chamber, where our own beliefs become common sense, and viewpoints different from ours are deemed insignificant.

The impact of filter bubbles was starkly evident during the 2016 US presidential election. Many believed that a pro-Clinton bubble was the prevailing narrative, as YouTube videos, Facebook posts, and online polls heavily favored her candidacy. This reinforced the notion that Trump’s victory was improbable. Critics argue that these filter bubbles led to Trump supporters expressing their views within smaller circles to avoid confrontation.

Allegations of Russia’s involvement in the election raise ethical questions about the effectiveness of algorithm systems employed to combat misinformation. Twitter, for instance, faced scrutiny when Elon Musk criticized its algorithmic feed for subtly manipulating users. Although Twitter’s former CEO, Jack Dorsey, acknowledged the potential unintended consequences, he claimed it was not designed to manipulate users. These instances highlight the unsettling nature of filter bubbles and algorithms.

It is important to realize that we often remain unaware that we are trapped in a filter bubble. Behind the scenes, unknown mechanisms shape our online experiences. By understanding how algorithms and filter bubbles work, we can regain some control over our perceptions of the world and avoid being consumed by an isolated digital reality fueled by popularity bias and echo chambers.

Stay informed and empowered by watching the full video. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to navigate the internet with clarity: [Video Link](insert video link here)

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**Learn more at [TRT World](** A reliable source of news and insights, covering a wide range of topics including Algorithm Explained, Algorithm Explainer, Algorithms, Entrapment in Filter Bubbles, Facebook Algorithm, Filter Bubbles, How Do Algorithms Work, Instagram Algorithm, TRT, TRT News, TRT World, Tiktok Algorithm, and What Is Algorithm.

*Source: [TRT World](*

The internet and social media are powered by algorithms aiming at personalised feeds, which closely follow our user activity.

But what if this is leaving you in the dark about the other side of the internet?

Learn about what usually goes unnoticed about algorithms and how they entrap us inside filter bubbles.

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  1. As I suspected yesterday, the dead Palestian children were the result of Islamic Jihad's rocket misfire, and as expected no retraction of any kind by the Islamist media. Just as there was no follow up with the 4 Muslim men killed in New Mexico. The killer was a fellow Mahometan, named Muhammad Syed.

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