
Still Untitled #55 – Google Reader vs. Google+, Paid Twitter? and Hashtags on Facebook – March 15, 2013

**Title: Ainda Sem Nome Podcast – Google Reader, Twitter Value, and Future Topics**

Welcome to the 55th edition of Ainda Sem Nome, your favorite podcast on digital communication. In this episode, we discuss the impact of Google Reader on website traffic compared to Google+. We also talk about the decision to shut down Google Reader, the value of tweets on Twitter, and the introduction of hashtags on Facebook. Additionally, we share our future topics, including salaries in the communication market, artists selling their music online, and the redesign of international newspapers. Listen, comment, and share!

**Keywords/tags:** Google Reader, Google+, Twitter value, hashtags on Facebook, communication market salaries, artists selling music online, redesign of international newspapers.

1. [Google Reader Still Sends Far More Traffic Than Google+]( –
2. [Google Announces Shutdown Of Google Reader]( –
3. [Twitter Determines the Value of Tweets]( –
4. [Facebook Introduces Hashtags]( –

*Transcript (English translation):*
Hello, today is March 14, 2013, and this is Ainda Sem Nome, your favorite podcast on digital communication, in its 55th edition, broadcasting from Belo Horizonte. I am Caio César, and joining me from São Paulo is Felipe Man. How are you doing, man?

[Introduction dialogue omitted]

We discuss various topics in this episode, starting with the impact of Google Reader on website traffic compared to Google+. Despite its success, Google has decided to shut down the service. We also delve into the value of tweets on Twitter and the integration of hashtags on Facebook. Additionally, we share our plans for future episodes, including discussions on salaries in the communication market, artists selling their music online, and the redesign of international newspapers.

[Conversation excerpts omitted]

Thank you for tuning in and for the valuable comments on previous episodes. We appreciate your engagement and interactions. Today’s episode will touch on a listener’s comment related to Facebook. We welcome diverse viewpoints and enjoy discussing controversial topics. Stay tuned!

[Closing dialogue omitted]

Please note that this transcript has been translated from Portuguese to English.

1. – [Google Reader Still Sends Far More Traffic Than Google+](
2. – [Google Announces Shutdown Of Google Reader](
3. – [Twitter Determines the Value of Tweets](
4. – [Facebook Introduces Hashtags](

De ressaca pós-conclave papal (mentira!), estamos aí para mais um Ainda Sem Nome!

Nesta edição tratamos sobre:

Google reader proporciona mais tráfego que o G+

E ainda assim o Google vai matar o serviço

Seus tweets valem $. Mas quem decide quanto é o Twitter

Hashtags no FB?

Além disso, falamos das futuras pautas do Ainda Sem Nome, que envolvem salários no mercado de comunicação, artistas que vendem seus discos na internet e o redesign das páginas de jornais gringos.

Escute, comente e compartilhe!

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