
R&D-driven Innovation in the Creative Industries: A Discussion with Sir Peter Bazalgette at RSA Replay

# RSA President’s Lecture 2023 – Unleashing the Energy of the Creative Industries for Transformational Change

In this enlightening RSA President’s Lecture, Sir Peter Bazalgette, a legend in the creative industries, delves into the current context of this innovative sector and explores ways to harness its potential for driving transformative change in society and the economy. Joined by five dynamic creative entrepreneurs who have made significant impact across screen, CreaTech, games, and fashion, Sir Peter showcases their groundbreaking projects that exemplify the vibrancy and value of the industry.

The creative industries sector has been a driving force behind the UK economy, contributing a staggering £109 billion in 2021 alone. This sector has not only created countless jobs and increased income and exports, but it has also had a profound impact on the overall well-being and happiness of communities throughout the country. However, to fully unlock the sector’s potential, addressing the skills deficit and improving access to finance are crucial.

Sir Peter emphasizes the importance of investment in research and development to shape creative industry policies and practices. These investments contribute to fostering an environment that allows innovations to thrive, ultimately paving the way for a brighter future.

For further insights into the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Creative PEC), hosted by the RSA and Newcastle University, visit [here](

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Keywords: RSA, RSA Events, talk, lecture, RSA President’s Lecture 2023, Sir Peter Bazalgette, creative industries, Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre

RSA President’s Lecture 2023

The creative industries sector contributed £109bn to the UK economy in 2021, helping to grow jobs and skills, income and exports, health and happiness, in communities right across the UK.

In his 2023 RSA President’s Lecture, Sir Peter Bazalgette will outline the current context of the creative industries and discuss opportunities to unleash the energy and potential of the sector to drive transformational change across society and the economy.

Sir Peter is joined by five creative entrepreneurs, innovators across the sub-sectors of screen, CreaTech, games and fashion, whose projects exemplify industry dynamism, value and impact.

These initiatives are part of a revolution in creativity driven by an escalation of creative clusters and higher education spinouts. However, the skills deficit and access to finance must be tackled to unlock the sector’s full potential.

Investment in research and development to influence creative industry policy and practice is critical to allow innovations to flourish and shape better futures.

Find out more about the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Creative PEC) hosted by the RSA and Newcastle University.


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