
Part 2: Delving into London’s Deep Tech Investment Scene – In-Depth Discussion with C4 Ventures, Next47, IQ Capital, and Breed Reply

**Title: Successful Acquisitions and Deep Tech Opportunities | Expert Insights**

In this video, we delve into the strategies behind successful acquisitions and explore the exciting opportunities in the deep tech sector. With a focus on the importance of cultural alignment and leadership retention, we discuss how companies can make the most out of acquisitions. Additionally, we explore emerging sectors such as smart cities and AG tech, and how they address future needs. Join us to gain expert insights into the world of business and technology.

successful acquisitions, deep tech opportunities, cultural alignment, leadership retention, smart cities, AG tech, business, technology

*Source: [Example Research Article](*


Yeah and that next time to the point when we visited in series a that said you know of the two companies already I won’t be the best because look or follow within Withings and the survival killed when an insincere fact before so there is success Rumble winner and one of the First thing he said is like I won’t be the best leader past about 200 on wheat and at the time yet only 25 and I’ve not met many founders you can tell that like very early on but what’s interesting about these acquisitions that I’ve noticed is that they were quite alcohol Which is have electrical and other sort of fungal that’s not you guys happily became this kind of CTO within the home is in charge of the closely related projects so that’s another thing it’s probably on the topic of today is that how do make a successful acquisition because all those companies not rebuilt Most of them gonna get acquired if the successful of Magnusson ghost requisition and the integration and the final offering an interesting and money can we attract to the the CEOs and the founders of the of them it seems you’re quiet is really critical I think one of the friction points in the market Today but technically this now cities touching so many sectors many of those industry players are not really comfortable with mine starts some of them they look at a company like why would I buy the company that doesn’t have revenue that’s not profitable we still have discovered the traditional Business cf4 mentality in a lot of places and then even divided that the integration is not going in the city super well so that’s this kind of the end of the funnel but in a way it’s really important because we if it doesn’t beginning of the it’s someone I think I’m just wondering If that works out is a good one because look what was actually invested in the series B and the Honda said who could acquire the company who will break it we don’t know sounds really familiar that we won’t be associated they’re a good synergies but now not now would be too Early and then they learn how to work together and as you know the apartment in yet that’s that’s all for the past two positions to retreat to business together stop to appreciate them see that there’s a it’s kind of a matching about not only interest but also Matching of cultures I think it’s hard to maintain this the full leadership position yeah I think the best you can hope for is two or three years of transition and over they build a lasting company business technology and it doesn’t require that to be president for it to continue yeah that conversation as Well with mister chambers within 180 days his strategy was to find matching cultures and also stars that would build kind of the the next generation of something and the approach was to try to keep the leaders so that you know just acquired today’s being product people Also we keep the leaders so that they build tomorrow’s leading product in the category they were fairly successful in retaining talent I think I mentioned about one third of the top leaders virtually from acquisitions which is quite remarkable could imagine at some point they were maybe a hundred startup CEOs working at Cisco just kind of it’s a so ok but that’s very far away from today stop it so let’s get back to deep tech so how how one of the sector’s for you that’s how most attractive do you keep it like we give a very open mind because we Didn’t expect you do bollocks we didn’t expect to do Meditec no we didn’t belong it so much your approach to the different sectors do you you mean TechCrunch to see what’s hot best quality approach in our PR and you track is anybody there we were talking about this earlier I think you know Those technologies that meet future needs be looking at those you know smart cities you’re looking at AG tap yeah the food production protein food production over the next by 2050 we’ll need to double now you’ve got a sustainability aspect built into that so AG tap for us Is a big area of focus smart cities platforms how do we with the mass migration of people moving into cities how do you manage that how do you control that communications sensors air pollution all huge leaders are you looking at this global transformation mobile privatization pollution food those like very deep underlying trends As well as the industrial sector yes and we primarily invest in B to be a big cocoon one of our companies and one of our killer investments is in the office but we will invest in Z today yeah beef to see if there is a B to B to C or B to B business back there so food marble and kikuna or are two very good examples of that and disruption in the health tech sector you know health tech and the automation pulling you know pulling the technology out of the hospitals yeah out into the public domain with the Millennials being able to self diagnose And look at going to a GP or locally we see a huge opportunity to move all that expertise at least in the early stages from the medical facilities into the public domain Chris what do you think so we will find what you missed in one of the sexes of Two camels to bounce I mean everybody has their own information diet yeah I probably used Twitter or more than more sources because you can kind of curate your information sources of course being in the business now for 14 years you just get a lot of inbound do flow from Passive interactions so you know kind of gives you a sense of what’s going on yeah you might have also like a thesis like fair enough you mention yeah I mean we’re at the second electrification of transport and autonomy or two big drivers we think not just about me and Transportation of people but also goods that be freight trucking where that the transition goods yards or air houses and these sorts of things I think robotics in general is a huge and a megatrend apply artificial intelligence I haven’t seen the sensor cybersecurity all these are rich fields have lots of it lots of Sub segments which are which are interesting I mean Agrotech in some cases can be it would have that the factory the factory model of Agriculture when it’s indoor farming of a scene so I think there’s there’s there’s plenty of opportunity I think we are we are generalists and we do look you know Monsters a eco question to argue a horse or a jockey the truth is that you know both the horse in the job you have to be excellent so really choose okay Kerry I think we mentioned we are generalist but we just definitely looking for that very very Hard to copy what is it and we just love anything that’s up on the data bits with the video portfolio and in hardware what we’ve seen is that there’s very few companies that manage to monetize just data but how about how do you see that going in Indy tech because there might Be a generation of lots of data but maybe insights are not so easy to get or maybe the insults are not valued or not used in the right way so if you see those companies that might have great data but can’t get inside so can get the value for the insights great company Neck tech kissing up and they’re getting really exciting today sir so in the data testing they’re able to predict the actual yield before it’s actually announced to the bias now stuff like this is really…

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For more information on the topics discussed in this video, refer to the following articles:

– [Example Article 1](
– [Example Article 2](

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