
Meg Destroys Divorce Documents After Witnessing Haz’s Remarkable Rebranding Talent! Palace PR Machine Required

**Video Title: Is Meghan Markle Bringing Down the Monarchy? Exploring Harry and Meghan’s Impact on the Royal Family**


Are Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton causing a rift in the royal family? In this video, we delve into the tumultuous relationship between the two women and how it may be impacting the British monarchy. We also discuss the shocking leaked emails from Prince Harry that have caused a stir.

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[Full transcript below]

– Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton
– Kate Middleton and the Queen
– Meghan Markle
– Prince Harry news today
– Prince Harry sad news
– Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
– Harry Los Angeles
– Meghan Markle sad news
– Kate Middleton
– Prince William
– Meghan is going crazy
– Meghan and Kate Middleton
– Prince Harry and Prince William
– Kate and Harry
– Meghan Markle Los Angeles
– Meghan Markle royal
– Meghan Harry Charles
– Prince Harry and Charles
– Prince Harry
– Charles

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**- Full Transcript -**

Foreign the divorce papers as soon as she discovered Harry’s name-changing skills I need a PR Palace car Hello friends welcome to royal family news about celebrity couple Harry and Meghan Markle on family news why doesn’t rebranding work for me but could be a real estate metaphor for

Harry Harry equals a grand old mansion that Goten has maintained over the years Megan is montecito’s Olive Grove because we’ve all seen Buckingham Palace at its best and can imagine it will be great again it may even have structural problems but it has history location Etc it’s possible that it could be restored

To very good condition and we’re all fans of this kind of redemption of things with good bones it may always have a dark history but it is within the realm of possibility that it can be restored to something worthwhile. He is more like Buckingham Palace it’s cold and musty and nobody

Really wants to stay there in the condition it’s in but you can can’t deny its significance and so theoretically there is a Redemption there Megan is a house in the mcmansion subdivisions showing costs a lot but is made of cheap drywall and copies Trends from other actual cultures

Like the Tuscan nightmare into its got Plumbing issues too many toilets and doesn’t seem attractive because it’s just so obviously ostentatious and it doesn’t make sense and it sits in a terrible location 80 Russian past was bought at Cut Rate prices and is an

Albatross burdening the owner no matter what it’s never going to appreciate in value nothing can change the fact that there is a risk of fire flood and landslide in a remote area that a bad work has being done and must be demolished in the end one person expressed his opinion

If he is like Buckingham Palace and his importance cannot be denied that makes him much worse he had a duty to his country monarchy and family if there are problems that need to be solved there are better ways to do it from within without exposing the monarchy his grandmother the government

And his own brother to the media he wants to shut down he showed himself to be extremely selfish lazy ignorant and a lawyer maybe the woman lit a candle for shown us how he really thinks and feels and the only reason we still don’t know who

He really is is because the palace PR machine cleaned up all his messes and made him look like a semi-normal person as it turns out he’s always been a spoiled vicious title jerk it’s ridiculous that it was exposed because it was made public repeatedly in front of me and the media

He was given the privilege of being 15 well over 30 while his brother held himself to the standard of 50. that same year People magazine reported that he threw broken bottles and molested girls dot he was reported to have broken bars and been banned from various bars

We’ve all seen the photos of Waggers and this was the cleaned up version in his account of her relationship with him they were both described as young spoiled and demanding for their age which he was not here were photos of the bloody sides of his Polo playing pony

On one occasion he hit the ball directly into the permitted press pin with his hammer.he could kill someone in a polo match his opponent could call Harry the biggest dog and guess who’s apologizing I think the family cleared him and I think the media cleared him too

Many in the media thought that Harry was such a king if they were part of the family and refused to acknowledge the true pathology of his behavior they considered his evil Joy they claimed that his evil indifference was magical the only way I think the British royal family owes him is if they

Allowed this monster to happen instead of actually dealing with what was there perhaps his youth allowed him to deny it at first until he was young for his age he should never receive tax money and never be a part of public life never a PR strategy to try when King

Charles wants him to be well fed and dressed but always on camera and out of the Limelight Megan also criticized her family.he is not related to anyone in his family in addition to his mother his mother still serves the purpose both Harry and Megan have hit out at his

Family but they have contacted those who allow contact and they are still clinging to whatever they can get from King Charles throne the only reason Megan doesn’t contact her family is because she has nothing useful to offer them the royal family is still useful even if

It’s just to beat them both were there together they shout at each other in the hall I guess anyone can make a good argument about who is worse but at the end of the day they are both destroying their families for their own gain there are two peas in one p

You can’t go either on the main road or on the side road both fell into a ditch as they searched for their families sure the markers aren’t perfect but they don’t have to be as depraved as they once were the only reason Harry looks worse is because we’ve seen him interact with his

Family all his life we know he is loved we don’t have any public details about Megan and her family but we do have things she said before she met Harry and that she adores her dad her father is a poor man and he robbed her he financed a private school education

And a first-class University education like I said I think both are equally as bad if Megan’s family offered something to them they would also try to force what they wanted from them I didn’t understand they also wrote books and gave interviews King Charles will always make sure Harry has a home a

Therapist and his basic needs are met I doubt Prince William will ever have anything to do with her again they were both terrible for the Williams family but the worst thing Harry did was allow Megan to invade the privacy of the Williams children and that’s inexcusable from a PR standpoint

The sussexes have a big problem because insulting the sussexes has become fashionable and dangerous for their brand people who denounce the Sussex trend on social media get good press coverage and improve their owners by getting customers the sussex’s batting is becoming more profitable and difficult to stop when the ball is rolling

What do you think of Harry and Megan’s amazing ability? Who has the most potential? Let us know in the comments below.

Don’t forget to [subscribe]( to our channel for more exclusive royal family news and updates. Thank you for watching, and we’ll see you in the next video! Goodbye.

#KateandQueen #meghanmarkle #princeharry

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  1. This story makes no sense. Neither do the comments. Why is that one comment repetitious, saying the same nothing nonsense over and over? What divorce papers?!? This is dumb. These two need each other like water needs air. Just like that pathetic Fergie thing, running back to that disgraced Andrew when she couldn’t make it as a spokesman for Weight Watchers. Helped to have kids by him though! Ace in the hole! Any one greedy and grubbing enough should always have children with whomever they hate. Pretend to be madly in love.

  2. How does that song go

    So long farewell auf Wiedersehen, adieu

    These are my thoughts and opinions from my readings and research. I might be right I might be wrong. It's only my opinion purely for my entertainment purposes only.
    You are quite welcome to do your own research and I would be happy to read your comments as wellHow does that song go

    So long farewell auf Wiedersehen, adieu

    These are my thoughts and opinions from my readings and research. I might be right I might be wrong. It's only my opinion purely for my entertainment purposes only.
    You are quite welcome to do your own research and I would be happy to read your comments as well

  3. No I don't think Harry will ever leave his wife.

    If he tried his she's only pulling him back.again

    Maybe with fake pregnancies again or whatever excuse she will use.

    So Harry is married to his wife and he can't see the trees for the Forest; And he can't see the forest for the trees.

    No worries will Harry ever leave his wife

    These are my thoughts and opinions from my readings and research. I might be right I might be wrong. It's only my opinion purely for my entertainment only.
    You are quite welcome to do your own research and I would be happy to read your comments as well No I don't think Harry will ever leave his wife.

    If he tried his she's only pulling him back.again

    Maybe with fake pregnancies again or whatever excuse she will use.

    So Harry is married to his wife and he can't see the trees for the Forest; And he can't see the forest for the trees.

    No worries will Harry ever leave his wife

    These are my thoughts and opinions from my readings and research. I might be right I might be wrong. It's only my opinion purely for my entertainment only.
    You are quite welcome to do your own research and I would be happy to read your comments as well

  4. I thought Harry's wife was banned from England.
    If not she should be.

    I agree with you I think that Harry's wife set up in Prince Andrew with that girl
    I think that Harry's wife hired the girls for the yacht and I think Harry's wife's I got told to set up Prince Andrew and the girl.

    If Prince Andrew went to the yacht for some entertainment it wasn't his place to ask ages the clients, he was supposed to just enjoy himself.
    I think these games with the royal families started from Soho house years ago.

    They got a lot of information off Eugenie and then they got more information off Prince Andrew.

    Just think of all the information they got about the royal family
    And Harry's wife pretends she never knew anything about the royal families.

    Well who are Prince Andrew and Eugenie royal people of course she's got information on the royal family.
    Harry's wife couldn't get any lower in a profession if she tried.

    So I think they've setup Prince Andrew as a sample to see how far they can go in attacking the royal families

    Harry's wife and her team on the yachts got away with setting up Prince Andrew.

    Maybe she got half the payout from her friend

    So the next was Prince Philip on their list then Queen Elizabeth the second
    May God rest their souls.

    Now Harry's wife is going for King Charles a third and his wife and she continually goes for Prince William and his wife and children.

    Harry is nothing but a bully two adults and children and animals.

    Harry is also a gossip feeding the team from soho house
    To help his wife take down the royal families.

    Harry's wife's Face is starting to look weird now,, I never ever saw her as pretty. In a crowd she wouldn't stand out as pretty at all anymore.

    Harry's wife is smitten for Markus from soho house and will do anything for him.

    I think he told her to marry Harry to get the royal fortune

    Then eventually they can be together Markus and Harry's wife.

    Harry went out with her once and then said no more

    Then Harry's wife gatecrashes a party and because she went across to Harry the security didn't stop her they let her stay.
    Is that because she had alot of high powered people and security guards on her list of men folk.

    Harry didn't tell her to go away like he did the day before.

    He was probably inebriated or something like that

    Harry was probably mentally affected by alcohol.

    So Harry's wife was stalking Harry for so long before they met.

    Then they set up Harry's wife with Harry.

    Since then there seems to be a vendetta against the royal families

    And they set up Prince William
    Beautifully and Prince William comes out with dramatic consequences and Harry's wife gets away with it again and so does the team that she's working with from so ho house, especially Markus.

    Everybody can see that Prince Andrew was set up, as a trial
    They had to have a first victim.

    Before they started on all of the royal families

    Before they started on the rest of the families.

    I still don't think Harry's wife is very smart.

    She is very good at following orders and copying information.

    And the most important thing about her character is she is bully two elderly people,, adults children, babies and animals.

    Her prey is any male money for her to spend.

    With the teeth from Soho house covering her back from getting into trouble or taking responsibilities for her actions.

    These are my thoughts and opinions from my readings and research. I might be right I might be wrong. It's only my opinion purely for my entertainment purposes only.
    You are quite welcome to do your own research and I would be happy to read your comments as well.

    If Harry kickdown or out of the
    USA, why does me go to Africa and where he has always wanted to be all of his life.
    That is all our Harry's ever talked about his wonderful Africa.

    These are my thoughts and opinions from my readings and research. I might be right I might be wrong. It's only my opinion purely for my entertainment purposes only.
    You are quite welcome to do your own research and I would be happy to read your comments as well



    While she managed to pull the cloak over Harry’s eyes with all of her lies is exactly why she rushed to get married, and also starting trying to conceive in a hurry to get pregnant because she knew when her true self was shown her link would be severed when the true Meghan started coming out!

    The prince has been a victim, a big victim! Narcissists usually manipulate the situation around them so they can get what they want and if they can use someone with any mental issues or a history of mental issues, they are exceptional at exploiting that to to accomplish their goal! To be honest Harry was an easy target as far as
    that goes! I am sure she fed into how unfair his life has been and how horrible his situation has been! With his unique history which has been full of challenges and such… All she had to do was use her fake love and concern to convince him just how unfair his life has been and manipulate him to believe it was so! When she didn’t manage to do as she pleased, she was ready to leave so she would have control over their situation. After all, a “Narcissist” will work to separate the victim from their family, friends and even country! They achieve this by more manipulation and lies! She convinced Harry they would truly be better off and have more money, more freedom and even more happiness to be on their own where Royal Family could not rule them and that she was going to stand beside him and leave all the “Tyranny’, behind them, so he could reach his full potential!

    I truly think all the people of Sussex should sue both Harry and Meghan for failure to represent Sussex and the people there in a positive manner and abandoning the “Duke and Duchess” roles!

    I mean they did abandon their so called post and therefore abandoned all the people there!

    However, I am sure he feel’s trapped because now he has two kids with her but honestly, I would expose her and all the stuff she’s pulled, be honest about it, even if it reveals himself in less than and stellar light! I would start building a new future take his ass back home and hope that he can work throughout the rest of his life to to improve himself mentally and personally! Work to show the British people and the Royal Family just how blind he has been and how sorry he is for all that has happened.

    Divorce her ass and get her out of the family circle immediately! And, for heaven sakes DO NOT CHANGE ANYONES NAME TO SPENCER!!!!!! Meghan’s goal has been to become the, “THE NEW DIANA”! Don’t let her ruin the Spencer name the way she has Harry’s! She will use whatever means is necessary if she thinks it will give her more attention, fame, fortune and whatever else she decides she wants!!!!

    If he want’s to be a positive part of his family’s and children’s lives, he must first work on building himself in a positive light on a productive scale!

    She should be divorced and stripped of all her titles! And, King Charles should take custody of his grandchildren immediately! After all, she only wanted to be in control of an heir with a title! Take that out of the equation and she might actually have to wake up and come down to work with the rest of us… Just watch as her true colors are revealed and I honestly would not doubt that she would end up not wanting to raise the children if her title was taken away!

    It’s time for EVERYONE to come out with all the truths about Meghan and she should be BOYCOTTED as well as ANYONE WHO HAS ANY WORKINGS WITH HER! It should also be listed about the so called AWARDS that she has and the list should include designations for all those that have been bought! She has not won almost all of them have been bought!!!!! Come on, I have more faith in the people of this entire world that anyone is actually buying into such a fake, fake, fake, cheat who basically, “ENTERTAINED” whoever it took to get what she wanted!

    How in the world can anyone accept her after knowing that she was affiliated with Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew years before “supposedly meeting Harry”! Everyone stood firm against Epstein for human trafficking and much more… However, they allow Meghan to act like ANY SORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST!!! How can she pass e herself off as being in support of family values and keeping families together and strong when she has, ALL BUT DESTROYED, TWO FAMILIES!!! Come on, put her in her place and dust your shoes off as you leave her stage… We all have better things to do in our little lives than to watch a SELF-CENTERED,EGOTISTICAL, SELFISH, GREEDY, FAKE, FALSE, DELUSIONAL, FICTIONAL, NARCISSISTIC, SPOILED, ATTENTION SEEKING, CUNNING, TWO-FACED, BACKSTABBING, YACHTING BIMBO who will leave ANYONE AFFILIATED WIrTH HER with less moral value just to be in her presence or think that they know her really!

    She “WILL NEVER” be even in the same category or be worthy of even the thought that she will ever be an equal to the late great Princess Diana or Princess Kate!

    Kate outshines her in every way, fashion and form! From her beauty to her true passion for caring for everyone and sense of family, she is going to be a wonderful queen!

    Diana’s legacy will never die nor will it diminish! I am not sure if there could ever be even a close second to her love, service and compassion… If there could be, it is Kate all the way!

    Get the false demon of a person (Meghan out of the fold completely!!!! We will all be much happier!!!!

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