
Market Data & Valuations at Brighteye Edtech Startup Festival: Funding and Governance

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Welcome to the second event of day five of the Brightside Tech Startup Festival! In this session, we will dive into market data on valuations and exits in the edtech space. Join us as we bring together industry experts and leading edtech operators to explore the trends and opportunities in this rapidly evolving industry.

Brightside VC, known for being the most active tech-focused fund in Europe, is partnering with early-stage companies, providing funding, and supporting them throughout their growth journey. As the head of research at Brightside, I’m excited to present this session and share valuable insights into the edtech market.

This event is moderated by Hannah Zakmeyer, an associate at Brightside, who will guide us through an engaging discussion with our keynote speakers.

Our first keynote speaker, Tom Singlehurst, heads the equity research team at City, focusing on global education. He will discuss the value of education as a theme and how it is perceived by public market investors. Tom’s expertise and analysis will shed light on why the edtech sector should be an area of interest for investors.

Throughout the years, our research has highlighted the potential in various areas of education, including English language learning, professional learning, and international private schools. However, edtech has emerged as a standout opportunity, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The shift towards online learning has created a significant edtech gap, and by aligning investment with the time spent on digital learning, this market could reach nearly three trillion dollars.

We will also delve into the opportunities in Enterprise Learning and Development, exploring the challenges faced by organizations in finding skilled workers and how edtech can address these challenges.

Join us as we provide a comprehensive view of the edtech market, from quantitative research on the education theme to an analysis of earnings and valuation trends of key companies in the sector.

Don’t miss out on this exciting session! Sign up now and gain valuable insights into the future of edtech.

– [Brightside VC](
– [City Research](
– [Quantitative Research on Education](
– [Edtech Gap Analysis](

The final Festival day was full of content around Funding & Governance. This second session focuses on market data on valuations and exits.

The Festival brought together industry experts and leading Edtech operators for a week of digital events – all recorded and available here!

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