
Isabelle Gallo, Principal at Breega, on #FintechDelAnnee 2018

# Investing in Film: A Look into Brega Capital’s Innovative Approach

Brega Capital stands as a leading investment fund that specializes in financing insurance and finance. But did you know that they’re also investing in the film industry?

As an active supporter of innovation, Brega Capital has gravitated towards funding some of the most promising tech-driven films in France, Europe, and the US. And guess what? They’re not only supporting these startups financially, but they’re also sitting on the jury at finance innovation to select the most promising film projects.

Recently, Brega Capital’s investment in one of these film projects paid off, and they couldn’t be prouder. In this video, they talk more about their unique approach to film investment and how they’re using innovation to reposition themselves as trailblazers in the industry.

Joining them in this discussion are a talented panel of industry experts and investors, including Joël, the founder of finance innovation.

If you’re curious about Brega Capital’s innovative strategies and how they’re shaking up the film industry, this is a video you don’t want to miss. Tune in now!

**Keywords/Tags:** Brega Capital, film investment, finance innovation, tech-driven films, startups, industry experts, industry trailblazers

– [Brega Capital’s website](
– [Finance Innovation’s website](

**Transcript:** [Musique] ouais c’est brega capital un fonds d’investissement qui est dédiée notamment à l’investissement dédié à la finance et à l’assurance donc on investit de façon généraliste mais moi je suis particulièrement essentielle du fonds qui investit en film tekken sur tech en france en europe et aux états unis participer aux jurys de finance

Innovation c’est faire un bon moyen pour déjà nous repositionner comme un acteur de ce monde et puis revoir les films tech les plus prometteuses sélectionnés par finance innovation qu’on connaît évidemment certaines dont on a investi d’ailleurs ils veulent faire ce qui est l’un de nos investissements et beau que je remercie

À joël et toute l’organisation finance innovation de permettre à ces startups d’avoir ce crédit là et j’ai été ravi de participer à ce jour [Musique].

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