
InsideBoard receives investment from ISAI Cap Venture.

# InsideBoard: The AI-driven Change Management Platform

Have you been struggling with digital transformation and change management in your organization? Look no further than InsideBoard, the revolutionary SaaS platform that utilizes AI to enhance organizational change efforts.

With AI and data-driven capabilities, InsideBoard offers a unique approach to digital transformation that supports client journeys from start to finish. Based in Paris, New York, and San Francisco, InsideBoard is the first digital change management platform with a holistic approach to change, making it the perfect choice for Capgemini’s joint investment fund, ISAI Cap Venture.

In this video, Mikael Bentolila, CEO and Co-founder, and Johan Bentalila, Co-founder and CTO of InsideBoard, will explain how their partnership with Capgemini and ISAI Cap Venture will accelerate the company’s growth, particularly in the USA. This new partnership empowers customers to take charge of their change program and track their progress accurately based on the data-driven insights given through the InsideBoard platform.

InsideBoard’s unique approach uses a set of engagement levers, including social engagement, micro-learning, and gamification, to incentivize progress and increase the chances of success in technology adoption, cultural transformations, and operational performance. InsideBoard’s KPI-driven platform provides measurable progress and growth in clients’ digital transformations, making it an ideal partner for Capgemini’s digital transformation capabilities.

With this investment from ISAI Cap Venture and Capgemini, InsideBoard aims to expand its growth, product development, and empower their partners with new APIs and back-end office tools. InsideBoard’s ultimate goal is to help organizations achieve successful and sustainable transformation, which is made possible through this strategic partnership.

Join the revolution with InsideBoard, and revolutionize how your organization approaches change management.

#### Keywords/Tags:
– AI/Data
– Change Management
– Digital Transformation
– Capgemini

*Source: [InsideBoard](*

ISAI Cap Venture invests in InsideBoard, a SaaS platform for change management that utilizes AI for digital and business transformation projects

With 80 employees, offices in Paris, New York, and San Francisco, InsideBoard is the first digital change management platform support clients in their digital transformation journey using a single AI-based platform.

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