
Innovation Fund for PSL

# PSL Innovation Fund: Supporting “Deep Tech” Start-Ups

PSL Innovation Fund, a 75-million-euro seed fund dedicated to “deep tech” start-ups from the PSL perimeter, was launched in June last year thanks to the University of PSL and Elaia Partners. The fund has already gained support from prestigious investors like BNP Paribas, Naval Group, FamilleC, MGEN, and KPN Ventures, and is now fully operational. It is underwritten by the Fonds National d’Amorçage, managed by Bpifrance on behalf of the French state.

PSL is proud to be part of this exciting project, which aims to bring cutting-edge technologies and innovative start-ups from scientific research to market. The fund’s strategy, led by Michel Field, is threefold: it’s a multi-sectorial, deep tech, and early-stage fund.

“We will invest in all areas of excellence within the Paris Sciences and Lettres University,” explained Field. “Our goal is to transform PSL’s groundbreaking ideas into successful businesses and place France at the forefront of global tech innovation.”

But the fund’s ambitions go beyond just investing in startups. It aims to tap into France’s untapped scientific potential to create a new generation of successful entrepreneurs. “We want to take researchers out of their labs and turn them into business creators,” Field added.

PSL chose to partner with Elaia Partners due to their proven track record in deep tech projects, and their operational expertise in business development. The fund provides startups with not only investment funding, but also access to a network of key partners and experts in the field.

Join us on this cutting-edge project and be a part of France’s next wave of tech innovation.

L’université PSL et Elaia Partners ont lancé en juin dernier PSL Innovation Fund, fonds d’amorçage dédié aux start-up « deep tech » issues du périmètre PSL. Le fonds, dès à présent opérationnel, d’une taille cible de 75 millions d’euros, sera souscrit par le Fonds National d’Amorçage, géré par Bpifrance pour le compte de l’État, BNP Paribas, Naval Group, FamilleC, la MGEN et KPN Ventures.

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