
Government and Private Companies Fall Victim to Cyber Attackers Stealing High-Security Information

# **BREAKING NEWS: Cyber Attackers Steal ‘Super Private’ Information from Govt & Private Companies!**

Uncover the shocking truth behind the recent wave of cyber attacks that have left governments and private companies vulnerable to data breaches. In this mind-blowing video, witness the aftermath of a massive cyber heist, where ‘super private’ information has been stolen by relentless hackers.

Are our most confidential secrets at risk? Who are these elusive cyber attackers? Join us as we delve into the dark underworld of hacking, exploring the advanced techniques used to infiltrate high-security systems. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of intrigue, suspense, and jaw-dropping revelations!

From sophisticated phishing scams to insidious malware, no organization seems to be safe from the clutches of these cyber criminals. In this video, we will uncover the shocking scale and impact of their operations, exposing the dire consequences that result from compromised security measures.

⚠️ **#CyberAttackAlert**: Governments and private companies, it’s time to take action! Don’t let your sensitive information fall prey to these relentless hackers. Stay informed, stay protected, and implement robust cybersecurity measures today! Spread the word and tag those who need to see this urgent message!

💡 Knowledge is power! By understanding the tactics used by these cyber attackers, we can arm ourselves with the necessary tools to safeguard our data and prevent future breaches. Share this eye-opening video using **#CyberSecurityAwareness** and let’s raise awareness about the importance of cyber defense.

Join the discussion below and share your thoughts on the growing threat of cyber attacks. Have you ever experienced a security breach? What steps have you taken to protect your information? Let’s unite against cybercrime and ensure a safer digital future for all!

🎥 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more groundbreaking investigations into the world of cybersecurity. Stay one step ahead of the game with our expert insights and stay tuned for future updates on this shocking story!

*For more information on cyber attacks, check out these authoritative sources:*

1. [Fox News](
2. [Department of Energy](
3. [Office of Personnel Management](
4. [University of Georgia](
5. [Johns Hopkins](

#foxnews, #cybercrime

#### **Video Transcript:**

What I don’t know what’s scarier here this latest news of a massive Cyber attack affecting all of these institutions from Channel oil Department of energy the office of personnel management University of Georgia Johns Hopkins or the fact that it gets sort of like a Shrugged shoulder reaction we Don’t know all the culprits behind this we suspect it’s coming from Russia or at least a group connected to Russia let’s get the latest right now from Lisa Garba the cyber security attorney Lisa um like I said it’s odd that um these keep happening even though they keep Happening but otter still that we generally shrug our shoulders at it now because it happens so often what do you think I want us to not shrug our shoulders at this and my hope is that speaking with you we won’t anymore you’re exactly right this is a cold war that is heated Up for many many years the Russian organization behind this series of attacks has actually been around since 2018 and international law enforcement has gone after them successfully at one point then they go underground and they re-emerge even more powerful and they’ve gone after organizations in the U.S federal government state government Private sector Health Care Academia and they’re also going after many of our allies in the EU they are dangerous and they’ve taken advantage of a vulnerability in a very common piece of software the software company is actually based in the U.S but they have headquarters around the world and Unfortunately they had a series of three massive bugs since the end of May that this Russian ransomware group was able to take advantage of and get into various systems you know what’s kind of maybe a hoods was a word I could think of less politic words but Um to demand Ransom remember but the demand Ransom from the U.S energy Department uh in other words if you want things back to the way your computers were you have to pay us now some companies small to large do that what what do you tell the department of Energy or some of these other entities including Nova Scotia and the government of Nova Scotia Bank in Nova Scotia that had been sort of swept up in this well the U.S government policies to never pay the ransom right except the way that this specific Russian group acts which is called klopp for some Reason they expect millions of dollars in ransomware and they will actually exfiltrate steal the data and they will blackmail the organizations with it until they pay up and what we’ve been seeing on the dark web is that more and more names of organizations and federal pieces of the government and state Pieces of the government are coming up on this list even though the U.S standard policy is not to pay some of these organizations can’t afford to not pay simply because they have to get back up online and the types of information that’s being stolen is inherently super private we’re talking health information Social Security numbers even banking information too and when they’re going after U.S government agencies the concern is not only are they asking for a ransom but this Russian group might be sharing that Intel with the Russian government and most likely they are so how do we stop stop it when we keep Dealing with it this is the question and Biden has made these very strong statements over the past couple years we certainly have the money and the resources the U.S cyber security capabilities are very high and we have been on the offensive as well we’re certainly carrying out attacks Against some of our adversaries too the question is a very delicate balance we don’t want to upset too many parts of the Russian government or the Chinese government think back to some of the major hacks the U.S has experienced right solar winds we have the supply chain attacks that happened a couple Years ago these are all by adversaries where we have these cyber security Cyber attack wartime programming going on for years so it’s really a delicate balance not to upset it too much but in this case we have Academia Health Care government agencies at state and federal Level we have to act and it’s important to have a strong stance here you kind of read my my last question for you Lisa that the the The Coincidence of these attacks on what’s seem to be various institutions Department of energy a major Bank uh we could go on and on to Talk about it major energy concern shell but but but that they were all targeted within a 72-hour period I think um what’s the strategy behind that just on the part of the hacker to say we can do that uh or or this is how to get them organized This is how strong we are this is how efficiently we operate they’re not even fending out it sounds like individual messages to each of these companies that have been hacked they’re saying check our list on the dark web and then you have seven days to get back to us with Payment and they’re having these private chat rooms on the dark web with these companies and the question is how quickly can these companies get back online can function again and while the software company that was breached that had these vulnerabilities has offered guidelines and a patch it’s not the Easiest thing to do especially with government systems that leave your quite a few years older they’re separated they’re segmented you need a good team that knows what it’s doing to even Implement these patches it is scary stuff but you’ve been warning us about it these for years now Lisa um thank you Very much Elisa Garber I’m not the cyber security attorney much much more hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews.

Source: [Fox News](

Original Video: [YouTube](

🔥 BREAKING NEWS: Cyber Attackers Steal ‘Super Private’ Information from Govt & Private Companies! 😱

🌐 Uncover the shocking truth behind the recent wave of cyber attacks that have left governments and private companies vulnerable to data breaches. Watch this mind-blowing video to witness the aftermath of a massive cyber heist, where ‘super private’ information has been stolen by relentless hackers!

🔒 Are our most confidential secrets at risk? Who are these elusive cyber attackers? In this exclusive footage, we delve into the dark underworld of hacking, exploring the advanced techniques used to infiltrate high-security systems. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of intrigue, suspense, and jaw-dropping revelations!

💻 From sophisticated phishing scams to insidious malware, no organization seems to be safe from the clutches of these cyber criminals. Join us as we uncover the shocking scale and impact of their operations, exposing the dire consequences that result from compromised security measures.

⚠️ #CyberAttackAlert: Governments and private companies, it’s time to take action! Don’t let your sensitive information fall prey to these relentless hackers. Stay informed, stay protected, and implement robust cybersecurity measures today! Spread the word and tag those who need to see this urgent message! 💪

💡 Knowledge is power! By understanding the tactics used by these cyber attackers, we can arm ourselves with the necessary tools to safeguard our data and prevent future breaches. Share this eye-opening video using #CyberSecurityAwareness and let’s raise awareness about the importance of cyber defense.

🔓 Join the discussion below and share your thoughts on the growing threat of cyber attacks. Have you ever experienced a security breach? What steps have you taken to protect your information? Let’s unite against cybercrime and ensure a safer digital future for all! 💬💻

🎥 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more groundbreaking investigations into the world of cybersecurity. Stay one step ahead of the game with our expert insights and stay tuned for future updates on this shocking story!

#CyberAttack #DataBreach #PrivacyMatters #StayProtected #HackersExposed #DigitalSecurity #CyberCrime #StaySafeOnline #ViralVideo

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