
Gabriel Davidescu, UTI Construction and Facility Management: Everything You Need to Know About Brașov Airport

**Gabriel Davidescu, Director General Adjunct UTI Construction and Facility Management** is the guest of the day at DC News. Tune in to DC News TV on Wednesday, June 14th, at 17:00 to catch the interview. You can also watch it on Facebook and YouTube.

In this episode, we will delve into the topic of **Aeroportul Internațional Brașov**. This airport is the first to be built from scratch in Romania in the past 50 years. There has been talk about an airport in Brașov for over a decade, and now we will learn more about it from Gabriel Davidescu himself. The official inaugural landing is scheduled for June 15th, 2023, and if everything is ready, we will get a glimpse of it at 17:00.

Curious about **UTI Construction and Facility Management’s expertise in the field of airports**? We will find out together at 17:00.

Stay tuned! Don’t miss the interview with Gabriel Davidescu, Director General Adjunct UTI Construction and Facility Management, streaming on YouTube and Facebook – DC News TV, DC Business. [^source]

[^source]: Source: [DC News](

Gabriel Davidescu, Director General Adjunct UTI Construction and Facility Management, este invitatul zilei la DC News, DC News TV, DC Business
Emisiunea cu Gabriel Davidescu, Director General Adjunct UTI Construction and Facility Management, va fi difuzată miercuri, 14 iunie, de la ora 17.00  pe Facebook și Youtube.

Vom afla mai multe despre Aeroportul Internațional Brașov. Este primul construit de la zero în România, în ultimii 50 de ani. Despre un aeroport la Brașov se vorbește de peste 10 ani. Astăzi vom afla mai multe de la Gabriel Davidescu. Pe 15 iunie 2023 aterizează prima aeronavă oficială pe Aeroportul din Brașov. Dacă totul este pregătit, vom vedea de la ora 17.00.

Ce experiență are UTI Construction and Facility Management în zona de aeroporturi? Vom afla împreună de la ora 17.00. 

Stați cu noi! Emisiunea cu Gabriel Davidescu, Director General Adjunct UTI Construction and Facility Management, va fi pe Youtube și Facebook – DC News TV, DC Business

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