
Elon Musk’s Scooby-Doo Meme Triggers a Whopping $320 Million Surge in Dogecoin Value within 15 Minutes

**Elon Musk’s Tweet Sparks Surge in Dogecoin Value**

Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter and Tesla, is known for his love of memes and dogs. But when he combines the two in a single tweet, it has a remarkable effect on the value of Dogecoin, a joke cryptocurrency based on the popular Doge meme.

**The Power of Musk’s Tweets**

On Wednesday afternoon, Musk tweeted a meme featuring the beloved cartoon character Scooby-Doo, with the caption “Doges ftw [for the win].” Within just 15 minutes, the market capitalization for Dogecoin rose by 3%, from $9.64 billion to $9.96 billion—a jump of roughly $320 million. The price of one Dogecoin also increased from about 6.9 cents to 7.1 cents.

**Previous Musk-Induced Rallies**

This is not the first time Elon Musk has generated significant value for Dogecoin with a simple tweet. In February, he posted a picture of his dog, resulting in a $500 million increase in the cryptocurrency’s value. In April, Musk changed Twitter’s logo to the Doge meme, causing a more than 20% surge in the price of Dogecoin. Furthermore, he has made numerous public comments and interviews in which he references Dogecoin, contributing to its popularity.

**Market Manipulation Allegations and Lawsuits**

Elon Musk’s influence over Dogecoin has led some traders to accuse him of market manipulation. A group of Dogecoin investors even filed a class action lawsuit against Musk, claiming that his tweets and comments about the token have an unfair impact on its price. However, Musk’s lawyers have dismissed the suit as fictional and argue that his tweets are harmless and lighthearted.


Elon Musk’s social media presence holds significant sway over the value of Dogecoin. Whether intentional or not, his tweets and references to the cryptocurrency have a direct impact on its price. While some argue that this amounts to market manipulation, Musk and his legal team maintain that his involvement is innocent and merely based on personal preferences and humor.

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