
Development & Data: The AI Masterclass by MMC Ventures

Are you interested in learning how to develop an effective data strategy for AI? In this video, Dr. Dejan Petelin, Head of Data for Gousto, shares his expertise and experiences in the field. With keywords and tags like Artificial Intelligence, Venture Capital, and Technology, this video covers essential topics for anyone interested in AI. So, whether you’re a beginner or an expert, this video is a valuable resource.

Dr. Petelin first introduces himself and gives a brief overview of Gousto, a company in the food market that provides recipe kits. He explains how Gousto simplifies the cooking process by delivering ingredients for easy and enjoyable meal preparation. He emphasizes the importance of customer value proposition and how AI can enhance it. Gousto offers a wide range of recipe choices, convenient delivery options, and competitive pricing, all thanks to AI optimization.

Dr. Petelin then discusses his experience joining Gousto and how the company invested in AI early on. He explains the growth of their data science team and the significance of AI for their business. He emphasizes the need to start simple and iterate fast when engaging with AI. Gousto’s initial focus was on demand planning, which led to significant time reduction in order delivery. This case study demonstrates the value of AI in improving customer experience.

Next, Dr. Petelin debunks common misconceptions around AI. While AI is indeed a hyped topic, it offers numerous tangible benefits. Voice recognition and object detection are examples of problems that AI can solve effectively. Contrary to popular belief, AI is not limited to big companies like Google and Facebook. Startups and smaller companies can also leverage AI to enhance their operations. He emphasizes that the entry cost for AI is not as high as perceived, as one can start simple and gradually expand their AI initiatives.

In conclusion, Dr. Petelin encourages viewers to consider different ways of engaging with AI and to not be intimidated by the hype or perceived costs. AI has the potential to transform businesses of all sizes and industries. So, whether you’re a business owner, a tech enthusiast, or an AI practitioner, this video provides valuable insights into developing an effective data strategy for AI.

(Source: [MMC Ventures AI Masterclass](

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Dr. Dejan Petelin, Head of Data for Gousto, explains how to develop an effective data strategy for AI at the MMC Ventures AI Masterclass.

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