
Dans les coulisses d’un VC avec Henri Deshays de Newfund USA

**Title:** Discover the Journey of a Former Entrepreneur Turned Investor in the Startup Industry

In this enlightening video, Henri, a seasoned entrepreneur who has transitioned into the world of investing, shares his insights on how he identifies, selects, and becomes passionate about his portfolio of startups. Gain valuable knowledge about the intersection of entrepreneurship and investments, with a focus on the cultural differences between French and American entrepreneurs. Join us as we explore Henri’s journey and learn from his experiences in the startup landscape.

– Up to 4 min: Henri, Entrepreneur at Heart
– Up to 8 min: Henri @Newfund USA: Building His Deal Flow
– Up to 20 min: Mastering the First Interview with Founders (and the difference between the 1st and 2nd call)
– Up to 26 min: The Role of a “Swiss Army Knife” in Supporting Entrepreneurs
– Last 6 min: Key Differences Between French and American Entrepreneurs, According to Henri

**Keywords/Tags:** [vid_tags]


*[Transcript not available]*

*Source: [Authority Link](*

Comment un ancien entrepreneur devenu investisseur identifie, selectionne et se passionne pour son portefeuille de start up. Un vrai eclarage humain dans une industrie cartesienne.
Timeline :
 Up to 4 min : Henri, Entrepreneur de coeur.
Up to 8 min : Henri @Newfund USA : construction de son Deal Flow
Up to 20 min : L’art du premier entretien avec les fondateurs (et la difference entre 1er et 2nd call)
Up to 26 min : Le rôle de “Couteau Suisse” pour accompagner ses entrepreneurs
Last 6 min : Les principales differences entre les entrepreneurs FR et US selon Henri .

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