
CSS Assurance’s Commerce Employee Training Program

**Title: A Day in the Life of CSS Insurance Apprentices – Gain Insights into the Company!**

Join us for a glimpse into the daily lives of apprentices at CSS Insurance! Learn more about our apprenticeship opportunities and the application process at []( It’s not just about valuable information and advice on professions, but also about getting an overview of the company.

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**Keywords/tags associated with the video:** lehrstellenbörse,lehrstellenverzeichnis,lehrstellen schweiz,lehrberufe schweiz,lehrstellen,yousty lehrstellen,yousty,berufsmesse,berufsvideos,lehrstellenplattform,apprentissage,lehrstellennachweis,schnupperlehre,place d’apprentissage,lena,freie lehrstellen,berufswahl,lehrstellenmarkt,lehrstellensuche,lehrstellenportal,lehrstellen finden

Welcome to CSS Insurance! My name is Fiorentina, and I’m currently in my 3rd year of apprenticeship as a commercial employee. Today, my colleagues and I invite you to spend a day with us at our workplace here in Lausanne Vennes, and introduce you to our apprenticeship.

So, why did I choose CSS? Because it is a leading company in the health insurance market. They provide high-quality training and guidance for apprentices. The requirements to apply include being open-minded, dynamic, having an interest in digital technologies, and enjoying teamwork and customer interaction.

What do I like about working at CSS? I particularly enjoy the field of health insurance, the client interactions, and the wide variety of tasks and projects we work on.

As for my future plans after completing my apprenticeship, I aspire to grow within CSS and continue my education with a federal diploma.

Thank you for following us. I hope you enjoyed this insight into our work at CSS Insurance. Feel free to apply for an apprenticeship position at CSS if any of our presented roles sparked your interest.

Un aperçu de la vie quotidienne des apprentis chez CSS Insurance! Pour plus d’informations:…

La particularité de, c’est qu’en plus de toutes les informations et conseils importants sur les professions, les places d’apprentissage disponibles et le processus de candidature, tu obtiens un aperçu de l’entreprise. Chez Yousty, tu peux faire un stage d’essai en ligne! N’oublie pas de t’abonner à notre chaîne et d’être informé dès que nous téléchargeons une nouvelle vidéo !

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