
AI-Crafted Content: Irrelevant to Audiences’ Interest

**Who Cares Who Created the Content?**
Sure, the person who wrote, recorded, or produced it cares. And probably their parents do, too. But for most, authorship doesn’t matter. Yet, given the voluminous conversations around generative content AI, you would think it does.

**Results Are What Matters**
Some argue that AI-produced content is rarely as good as what an experienced human writer could do. Given how many first drafts I see, I’m not sure about that, but let’s assume the premise. Jess Fortet writes on the Jounce blog, “Human writers bring a level of creativity, emotion, and nuance that AI-generated copy may struggle to replicate. The ability to connect with readers on an emotional level can set human-generated content apart from AI-generated content.”

**Human Writers and Content Marketing**
Yes, humans can bring creativity, emotion, and nuance. But unfortunately, that’s not how many brands assess their content marketing. They focus on attributes like keywords, titles, length, meta descriptions, etc. They think about calls to action that will motivate content consumers to take the next step. Who created the content doesn’t matter in content marketing. What matters is whether the content delivered what the audience and brand wanted.

**Doesn’t Google Care Who Created Content?**
Yes, I know, Google once said AI-generated content goes against its guidelines, so it classified it as spam. But Google recognizes not all automation, including AI generation, is spam. “AI has the ability to power new levels of expression and creativity, and to serve as a critical tool to help people create great content for the web,” it writes. Frankly, I’m not sure how great AI-created content really needs to be.

**AI Transparency Isn’t a Necessity**
Some argue if you publish AI-generated content, you should disclose that to the audience. As a copyright issue, I get it. The U.S. Copyright Office has issued opinions on AI-generated content, noting only human-created content can have copyright protections. But audiences don’t require content-creation transparency. If they did, then why hasn’t it been the publishing norm for hundreds, if not thousands, of years?

**Your Audience Just Wants Good Content**
Stop debating – or reading the debates – about who creates the content. It’s a waste of time. Instead, spend a minute revisiting the very definition of content marketing to remind yourself of the most important who: Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. The “who” who matters most is the audience. And the content? No matter how it’s created, it must deliver value to that audience.

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