
468 SPAC II Commences Trading on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

**Title:** 468 Capital’s SPAC II Trading Now on Xetra and Frankfurt Stock Exchange | Börse Frankfurt | Aktien | Geldanlage


Welcome to the exciting world of the stock market! In this video, we bring you the latest news on 468 Capital’s second Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) that is now available for trading on Xetra and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

With shares issued at 10 Euro, 468 Capital has a specific timeline to identify a target company. As they embark on this journey, they are actively searching within three European startup sectors: Software, E-commerce, and E-commerce Brands.

To explore more about this SPAC and gain insights into Börse Frankfurt, Aktien, Geldanlage, and other related topics, be sure to visit the [official data sheet]( on

Stay tuned for updates on the stock market dynamics and get ready to invest wisely! #ListedInFrankfurt #Börsengang #Privatplatzierung


– [Boerse Frankfurt – 468 SPAC II SE](

*Note: This rewritten description aims to optimize the video for SEO while providing an engaging overview of the content. It incorporates Markdown syntax, paragraphs, and an authority link to the official data sheet source.*

Der zweite SPAC von 468 Capital ist im Handel auf Xetra und dem Frankfurter Parkett. Ausgegeben wurden die Anteile zu 10 Euro. Jetzt hat das Unternehmen eine festgelegte Zeit, um ein Zielunternehmen zu finden. Gesucht wird in drei europäischen Startup-Sektoren: Software, E-Commerce und E-Commerce-Marken. Das Datenblatt auf

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