
What’s on the Horizon for Silicon Valley: Insights from Cowboy Ventures and Sequoia Capital

[Original Video Description]

Aileen Lee, Founder and Managing Partner, Cowboy Ventures and Alfred Lin, Partner, Sequoia Capital chart where we are in tech’s perpetual cycle of boom and bust and the subtle turning points between them with Bloomberg’s Emily Chang at the Bloomberg Technology Summit.

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Aileen Lee, Alfred Lin, Cowboy Ventures, Emily Chang, Sequoia Capital Operations LLC

[Revised Video Description]

In this Bloomberg Technology Summit video, Aileen Lee (Founder and Managing Partner at Cowboy Ventures) and Alfred Lin (Partner at Sequoia Capital) join Emily Chang to discuss the current state of technology and its cyclical nature of boom and bust. They provide insights into the ongoing downturn and its effects, as well as the strategies for success in the midst of constraints and higher interest rates.

Watch the video to gain valuable insights from industry veterans Aileen Lee and Alfred Lin: [Subscribe to Bloomberg Live on YouTube](

*Source: [Bloomberg Technology Summit video](insert_video_link_here)*

Aileen Lee, Founder and Managing Partner, Cowboy Ventures and Alfred Lin, Partner, Sequoia Capital chart where we are in tech’s perpetual cycle of boom and bust and the subtle turning points between them with Bloomberg’s Emily Chang at the Bloomberg Technology Summit.
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  1. I don't think I've ever seen a couple of people who were so snobby and disconnected from reality.

    Hundreds of thousands of tech workers have already been laid off in the bay area alone. Hundreds of thousands more have been/will be laid off across the country in various sectors. The best they could do is make a cheap gag joke about ramen? Does Lin acknowledge at all the new realities of the current environment? Not everyone can throw >$100MM (of other people's money) away at a scam like FTX and still come out the other end with a 7-figure paycheck while joking about letting the good times roll during a recession. 0 contrition; 0 self reflection; nothing they could have done differently for investors/benificiaries, portfolio companies, or employees.

    If these "leaders" are the best that the VC industry can come up with, we are in serious trouble.

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